yes, it very well could be, but....first things first.
Valves checked/gapped?
was timing done? is it advancing properly?
in the rebuild, were the carb slides bench sync'd?
(keyster kits have been known to have different needle tapers, different jet sizing. did you reuse the existing, aftermarket brand?, OEM?) what size main jet is in there?
should be stamped on the side.
if all the above was done, were the carbs vacuum sync'd?
(we gotta know if all else is as it should be before we can jump into jetting to fit the exhaust.)
If YES to all of the above, ride and get into that "boggy" rpm and hold it there for a few sec letting it bog. at the same time, hit your kill switch and engage your clutch. coast to the side of the road.
pull each of the plugs and take a picture of the tips side by side. 1-2-3-4. post the pic here.