Author Topic: Quick 750F questions  (Read 758 times)

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Offline JMS

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Quick 750F questions
« on: April 27, 2010, 05:31:06 PM »
So i recently purchased a 1975 750F for dirt cheap. The only things wrong with it are that a single piston is frozen and the carbs are missing.

Did some searching around the forums and just want to make sure I have all the facts straight.

1. The carbs from older Ks are basically identical to the 750F carbs so with minimal work they can be fit?

2. If the frozen piston can be removed without scratching up the cylinder, and as long as it stays in spec, there is no need to rebore the cylinder. If the rings cant be removed from the piston after soaking in penetrating oil, i just need to purchase a new piston with rings and get the cylinder honed.

Also, if i do end up needing to get the cylinder re bored to a larger size, i need to do it to all the cylinders and get a full set of over sized pistons.

If i re sleeve the offending cylinder and get it set back to factory spec, i can just use an original sized piston and don't have to mess with anything else.

Sorry for the long post, thanks a lot guys.


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Re: Quick 750F questions
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2010, 06:14:14 PM »
Getting into the motor can be a liability if you are not experienced and probably just as expensive as finding a known-good engine.  My recommend looking for one of those.  Your cost to buy-in may afford you to consider looking for a spare enigne.

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