I was opening up some of the main wiring loom on my 73 cb750 since there were years of dried electrical tape, gum and drudge all over it. At at a point right behind the coils I found a solid light blue wire clipped and taped off. I noticed two identical light blue wires running through the loom and wondered why anyone would cut the wire. I stripped a bit of insulation off for this photo:
I tracked its conductivity up to a three post connector that would lie in the headlight bucket:
From the wiring diagram I can only see one solid blue wire that runs to a four way connector which I see is tied into the right signal lights. The only other light blue wires reads as having a white tracer (also tied into the right signal but going to no connection). Does the white hood over the connector mean that's the tracer? And if so, why would they run the wire all the way back into the loom and just tape it off?