Was only takin the piss Tell, but let me tell you a story.
Two historians a few years ago found a gliche in the Royal bloodline.
I can't remember their names but a king and Queen had 2 sons and a Daughter.
The bloodline always follows the sons first where possible.
When the King died the younger son had his brother killed so he could be king, and that was it to the present day.
These historians found that the King, his so called father was out of the country fighting a war when the younger brother would have been conceived, making him a Bastard and not entiteling him to the throne.
The next in line would have been his sister who married into the House of Plantagenets.
They followed this bloodline to find out who should be on the English throne.
They ended up with a guy who allthough he knew he was a Lord from English aristocracie, living a meager life in guess where,

and that was a true story.