Author Topic: Hello, I'm Blake, First Post, First Cafe Racer, & Some Pics Of The Toys.  (Read 13701 times)

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Offline Frankencake

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Is it me or am I (not a moderator) going to point out that some folks are being total pricks here?  I believe that it is against forum policy to act like little dicks.  Give this guy a chance.  If he turn out to be a douche-bag, thrash him and trash him.  (IC will lead the charge)  Until then, let's pretend we're civilized people instead of #$%*s.
"Sure, if you don't want that bike in your backyard, I guess I'll take it."  "I'll probably just scrap it......"

Frankencake:  Brotherhood of the unemployed?  What's our secret handshake?

333:  Think "Shakeweight".

Offline Industrial Cafe

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until I see the bike...
    I think I've been civil so far.
 maybe I'm turning over a new leaf.

also, more info on this pleez.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

                                    Marla              .:71CB750:.CAFE

Offline wannabridin

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until I see the bike...
    I think I've been civil so far.
 maybe I'm turning over a new leaf.

also, more info on this pleez.

1976 CB750K, currently under construction:

-And if you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do...

Offline xfactor

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Egg on my face.

I would like to see pics of the Cafe racer i bet its pretty cool looking.

Offline Staggerlee

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Blah blah blah, blah de blah blah blah.

#$%*.  It's morons like you that destroyed the vortex; I hope your presence here isn't a sign of things to come.

Offline my78k

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I must have missed something in all of this chaos! Were things posted and then deleted?

If I was welcomed a few years ago like you guys welcomed him I would have told y'all to F-yourselves too!!!

Why is it lately people think they can be dicks but no one is allowed to return fire until they have a certain number of posts? Who died and made you post king/queen??

Way to welcome a fellow gearhead into a different form of mechanics and something we all share...represented us well!!  ::)


Offline andy750

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Andy, Congreadulashuns!  Touche!    ;D ;D ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Current bikes
1. CB750K4: Long distance bike, 17 countries and counting...2001 - Trans-USA-Mexico, 2003 - European Tour, 2004 - SOHC Easy Rider Trip , 2008 - Adirondack Tour 2-up , 2013 - Tail of the Dragon Tour , 2017: 836 kit install and bottom end rebuild. And rebirth:,173213.msg2029836.html#msg2029836
2. CB750/810cc K2  - road racer with JMR worked head 71 hp
3. Yamaha Tenere T700 2022

Where did you go on your bike today? -

Offline SKTP

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Just for the record, I have never seen anybody make a "look at my toys thread" here in the forum. I too thought it was sort of a lame way to go about an introduction. No, I am not jealous of your toys. Yes, I do feel that is does not really fit the tone and feel of this place. I would rather see a trailer of messed up non-working Hondas here than somebody's flame painted truck. Also, I'd liek to add this is the first fight I have ever seen here and I've been logged-in for over 7 days now? 7 days?!! How's that possible?
1978k rebuild thread
2003 Ducati M800ie
1997 Honda CR-V
2004 Honda CR-V
1966 Honda S90

Offline Ryan6838

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The A1 and A2 German I just want to say welcome and some people here just like to start fights. That and half havn't read the part about whats your and whats your ideas in the pics. Ive learned to just not pay attention to some people. There is alot of good info and people here so dont let some people make a bad name for everyone. Welcome  ;D More hugs for everyone ( they cant get mad at me if i give them a hug right lol) ;D
1978 cb750k

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Reminds me of another recent poster that likes to wear gloves in all his pics.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

CB750 K3 crat | (2) 1986 VFR750F

Offline my78k

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Don't you mean "glove"?  ;)

Offline The A1 and A2 German

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Haha hey guys...and maybe a couple of girls out there.

It's all fun and games till someone gets internet butthurt  ;D.

Doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother you, but on to the bike.

As I posted last, you see a couple pics of the bike tonight, is basically oem and a little beat up...nothing special at all but I can understand the interest.

You guys will have your pics tonight, now......ready......set......go........... at each other!

Talk to you guys in a bit, later  :D.
Having a bucket that does 10 seconds it like saying you have a 200lb girl friend but she's good in bed.

Offline cb550fcafe

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I would apreciate it if you could edit the post with the profanity and remove it. This is no place for that. Its about bikes. I'm sure you'll understand. Thank you.

Offline mlinder

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A1/A2, please remove the pictures that contain profanity.

This forum has a profanity filter for a reason. Posting pictures with profanity in them circumvents that filter.


Offline MickeyX

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Thanks guys. I thought 11 pics in one post telling all of us where to go was a bit much for a 3rd post.  ::)
1969 CL350 Scrambler... almost done!!! Well, until something else goes wrong. :)
2006 HD 883 Sportster, stock. No use changing it, it's still gonna be a Harley.

Offline Toxic

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He says "HE" is going to build up a cafe. That's good enough for me.  I'd like to see his work.  If it's anything like the cafe's he posted as his inspiration it should be a great build up.


I have more respect for a guy that build his own as opposed to the guy that writes cheques.

Offline mlinder

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He says "HE" is going to build up a cafe. That's good enough for me.  I'd like to see his work.  If it's anything like the cafe's he posted as his inspiration it should be a great build up.


I have more respect for a guy that build his own as opposed to the guy that writes cheques.

Having respect for someones will and ability to build something does not equal respect for someone as a person.

I've stayed out of this thread so far, in terms of opinions or statements regarding him or his things.

He needs to respect this forum before he'll gain my respect as a person.

That goes for some other people in this thread, as well, however.

This thing (thread) needs to be cleaned up.

Offline Frankencake

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I am embarrassed by this crap.  Here's the situation:  New guy posts pics of what he is in to.  New guy obviously has some "other" interests than SOHC.  Old timers on this forum start trashing him!!!  (Setting an example for the new guy)   I call bulls**t!!!  Then after he has been trashed by some folks he responds with telling the trasher where to go.  I say way to go.  Yes, the rebuttal was a bit much but who threw the first stone?  Who do you think you are talking trash to someone you don't even know just because you own an old f**king Honda motorcycle?  The MOST embarrassing thing is the people who are now trashing the new guy for defending himself with a few flying "F's"  You all have to get over yourselves too.  Some of you are acting like a bunch of purist douche-bags.  Sell your Honda and go buy a Harley if you want to act like that.
"Sure, if you don't want that bike in your backyard, I guess I'll take it."  "I'll probably just scrap it......"

Frankencake:  Brotherhood of the unemployed?  What's our secret handshake?

333:  Think "Shakeweight".

Offline Spanner 1

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Took my comments down......... lest it upset someone's delicate sensibilities......
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....


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  Some of you are acting like a bunch of purist douche-bags.  Sell your Honda and go buy a Harley if you want to act like that.

Cha Ching, couldn,t have said it better myself.

Oh ya, sell your Honda to someone who wants to make a chopper. ;D

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Some of us SOHC4 member Harley owners could take offense to that. Does that statement "Sell your Honda and go buy a Harley if you want to act like that" make you any different than the others? I didn't read beyond the last page, wasn't necessary for either side!

I welcome any new member aboard, whether I agree or not.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)


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Some of us SOHC4 member Harley owners could take offense to that. Does that statement "Sell your Honda and go buy a Harley if you want to act like that" make you any different than the others? I didn't read beyond the last page, wasn't necessary for either side!

I welcome any new member aboard, whether I agree or not.

I don't think you can say anything on here without someone taking offense. ???

And yes it does make him different from the others.
Or are you not allowed to call out the self righteous, better then anyone else that don't think like they do crowd.

Just asking, you don't have to answer ;D

Offline Stev-o

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Patiently waiting for bike pics...
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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We're ALL different. Just making a point to ALL who may have posted on this topic. I try to not step on anyone's toes by carefully formulating my thoughts before I post them. I just hope others may disagree at the most vs thoughtlessly pissing someone off. I do know what you're saying  ;) and I don't necessarily disagree.

Let's not be a--holes, would be my advise to ALL.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Skonnie Boy

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My bad, Blake.  You're a real dude.  I only thought your post was a prank because at first it sounded like it was making fun of a previous discussion on this forum about stock vs. modified bikes.  If you feel like reading another firestorm, you should look up "Cutting up classics", already a classic in its own right.  Your post (minus the f-bombs) is a fine example of lively debate, and, I think one of the reasons is one of the more relevant bike sites in the world today.

I barely care what my opinions about bikes are, so I'll save you mine about cafes, bobbers or metal flake paint.  Hardly matters.  If I'm not a fan of your bike, I'll probably just not post something about it. 

You should post pics, though.  For serious.
"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."