Author Topic: Id my cb500's red clutch springs  (Read 1113 times)

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Offline raptor4568

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Id my cb500's red clutch springs
« on: May 05, 2010, 11:19:03 PM »
My clutch has been hard to engage smoothly for a while and I finally decided to open the case and have a look for the problem.
My fiber discs look good and are at the top end of the listed wear range, and while I've not used glass and a feeler gauge yet, I think the metal discs are good too (I will check them before re-assembly).

The springs are a little strange though.  They are 36.2mm long, and bright red.  I have no idea what they are, and see no brand markings on them.
Does anyone know what I might be looking at here?
The service manual also says they should be 31.9-30.5mm long; pretty far off from these.

Unless I'm talked out of it I plan to replace them with stock or a good after-market kit.  Any recommendations along those lines other than oem Honda?

Offline dave500

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Re: Id my cb500's red clutch springs
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2010, 01:46:39 AM »
i tried heavy duty aftermarket in my 500 and they were worse than the stock ones,i could squeeze them between my thunb and forefinger easier aswell!i tried two different types!im now using the stock springs with the stepped washer upside down,,no more clutch slip.,is yours slipping?

Offline raptor4568

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Re: Id my cb500's red clutch springs
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2010, 04:04:55 PM »
It never really slipped, if it was fully engaged.  That was kind of a trick though, if I didn't let the clutch out fast enough it could slip, sometimes, but clutching in and out quickly fixed the issue every time.  It would hold all the way through the rpm range if it was holding normally and slip as early as 4k if it was going to do so.

It was also very difficult to get any slip to get the bike moving as you normally would, I usually had to add lots of rpm and then let it out quick.  The clutch would slip just enough to get it rolling and then grab, but it was a real pain.  If I had to deal with more stop and go traffic I would of done this a long time ago.

Do you remember if all of the after-market ones were longer than stock?  I wonder if someone put a set for  the wrong bike or year in.

So, you just went back to the old stock springs and flipped the washer on the bolts?  I might have to look at mine again, I can't exactly picture the stepped washer you're referring to. 

Offline dave500

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Re: Id my cb500's red clutch springs
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2010, 12:51:49 AM »
you should have seen the washer when you pulled it down,it goes under the bolt and locates on the spring,err,if you have real long springs maybe its been replaced with something else?these are quite thick,like a plain flat one?umm the super duper springs were the same length and obviously of in feriour chinese quality.,,your basket may be ridged were the plate lugs rub causing a rough and unpredictable engagement?,if its not bad you can file these flat again,be sure to do it so all the lugs still have contact.

Offline raptor4568

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Re: Id my cb500's red clutch springs
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2010, 07:15:39 PM »
You're right, I have those, just didn't remember them being stepped. 
I'm still not sure why you would flip them over though?  Trying to make them grab a little bit harder by using the step as a spacer?

Offline dave500

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Re: Id my cb500's red clutch springs
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2010, 10:51:07 PM »
yeah in my case it has applied a little more pressure,just enough it seems,my motors not real hot ,only 1st oversize xl125 pistons,4-1 and boyer ignition,i had used all new clutch plates and it would slip under hard power.