So how do it do? I took 2nd place for my display (& $50
), even beat out the Best in Show winner, amazing. Also got a Top 20 award.
Is Best in Show a people's choice thing?
Which bike won your class?
Did you beat that murdered-out bagger?
The bikes were judged by professional judges. The head judge will be in Quebec City this coming weekend for the show there. At that show the classes are divided up like the GNRS. I had originally planned on going there, not to the SuperShow, should have.

There I would have been in the sport bike class, and should have done well. At this show they did not divide the 'Builders Class', so I was competing against the 100K radical customs, and yes those baggers. They had more in their paint than I have in the whole bike! The black bagger was only Top 20, the white one got a Top 10 nod. Keep in mind that Top 20 is not just the builders class, but of all the bikes judged at the show. Had I entered it in Level 2, Asian Sport bike I probably could have won that class.
The judge also took the time to review my bike with me, and point out were I got top points, and were I got average, and/or lost points. I spoke with the judge about the non classes, and he said that he had already spoken with the organizers, and changes are planned for next year. The problem seems to be that there are 3 levels. Display only, level 2 with a very broad selection of classes, and the Builder's class. Level 2 is for awards only, and no special awards (display, paint, engineering...), or prize money. The builder's class gets the prize money, and the special awards, but it is not divided up as to type. Next year it sounds like they will have - chopper/bobber, bagger, and other, with the top from each class competing for Best in Show based on their class winning points. The judge said that he would have no problem with a sport bike winning, as long as it met the standards required.
In actual fact my 'runner up' in display was actually a win. My display was 'nonelectric', while the winning display used electrics (lights, turntable), so I actually won 'Best Nonelectric Display'. This is how they were judged in CA. This is also suppose to change for next year. Not sure I will have anything to show though.