tintop where did you get your carbs done? i need some one i can trust will do a good job.....gota tell ya the bar is set,your bike is absolutly well thought out and executed, sounds mean man, I like it
I stripped and rebuilt them myself. 1st bike carbs, not 1st carbs.

That said, I have certainly learned from the experience, and from the information here. These carbs (& CAD) were cleaned and micro polished by Paltech. The link is early in this thread. Yes they were very nice, but I still had to check everything before assembly. Even then I missed something.

Lesson learned, I have a better magnifying glass.

I have a rough looking, but nice inside 350 set. Plan to review the various potions

that have been used successfully here. I would only do the micro-polish on the slide cap, and bowl any more. It leaves a great finish, that doesn't seem to mark or tarnish easily. Not the bling of high polish, but fairly maintenance free, like chrome.
There is an SOHC member in Milton who offers ultrasonic cleaning , rebuilding services. So that option is close at hand for cleaning, if I think it is needed.