Does anybody else hate oxalis as much as I do? Talk about your pesky competition!
I never knew what that was, thought it was a legume, so I let it go as friendly volunteer. Easy enough for me to pick out when I want, but I guess it does take over.
My Brother the (_*_) was calling complaints to the city because of "weeds" in my yard so I especially like things that look uncultivated, and hopefully they get his panties in a bunch. Can't wait to have the city code inspector out again!
My fennel made it through the winter, so It looks huge, unkempt and out of control. Other good weedy looking things are lavender, garlic, sage and salvia, which does well without much care or water.
A friend of mine's mom said plant garlic near roses, they do well together. Though the test was not real scientific and has no control, I have found that my roses actually did better if they had garlic around them.
Purple heart is easy to propagate, as well as colancho which I have spread around to compete with the Burmuda grass along fence lines. They both do well [survive] when it dries up, especially colancho which is like a succulent.
One of the city guys didn't like the few buckets I had around, told me it is illegal to have empty buckets around the yard (mosquito abatement), but buckets of dirt are okay. Hence buckets full of dirt and elephant ears to shade the house, I pretty them up a bit with cedar pickets.