Just discovered this thread

Well, down south, it's only just starting to warm up. Wasn't too long ago we were still having frosts, and this is how it was not long before that.

Got broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, kale, garlic, carrots, silverbeet, leeks and cabbages in at the moment. Rocket has gone to seed, and will be replaced with tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, and strawberries. Also sprouting some capsicum, red russian kale, and basil for summer.

Last year was my first time growing chillies, picked lots over summer, which I dried, and have been making curry paste with. Trimmed them back pretty harshly to help them survive the cold, a couple died, but most are re-shooting.

Apple, peach, cherry, and mandarin trees are all flowering, got a new lime tree in too.