So I'm asking for gardening advice on a motorcycle forum - go figure??
It's about my tomatos. The plants started out great this year. Vigorous, big growth and lots of tasty tomatos. No bugs that I could see, especially not those big tomato caterpillars. I have been watering them once in a while, especially during the dry spells.
They have come down with something that kills the plant and causes blemishes in the fruit (see pics). It has affected, I would say, about 1/4 of the harvest and today, when I was out there, most of the plants are wilted, the leaves are all dry and black (although the stems are still green) and most of the last pickings of tomatoes look like the pics.
I'm thinking that it is a virus of some sort? Any body else seen this or have some wisdom about it?
I had this problem last year and maybe by mistake put the tomato plants in the same row this year. Also, the next row over is potatoes which did really well. Could that be a factor? The potatoes weren't in that row last year.
Should I check the timing? Advance? Change the type of motor oil? Re-chrome?
George near Acton, Ontario