CookinD talked to my wife and we think it would depend who grew the veg and where, we tended to experiment a lot here ( getting out of a small lot down by the beach to 4 acres with a lot of sun, we've gone bonkers) now I think we'll settle down and try and find what works best here, then save seed, not that I really begrudge the seed companies their money but my wife will retire a year September and being how both of us will have only Cpp it's best to cut costs ahead of time and practice frugality, also there is still talk of us selling veg to higher end eating establishments, don't know, but I'm also starting to brew my own suds and I have a huge amount of Pear trees that might turned into pear Calvados. As far as the heritage stuff if they are from Ont and are 50 years old you know that they've survived the growing conditions here and thrived, unless we have a major war, plague, whatever, you know that the population will grow and food prices will rise, Now my next project is to find who'll sell me cold hardy grape vines for a reasonable price and trying to fine some one who'll trade meat for vegetables, and a coffee substitute.
Bill the demon.