Here's the second (and currently unresolved) problem. I adjusted the clutch per the manual but it doesn't seem to be engaging ( or is it DIS-engaging....).
I have the 2-3mm freeplay at the lever. I bottomed out the screw on the side cover and backed off 3 mm (meaning, if the screwdriver slot was at, say, 1 o'clock, I moved it counter clockwise 3 mm and then tightened the set screw. Sound right?)
I adjusted the cable at the case and at the lever as best I could.
When I pull the lever, it gets FIRM; like a well bled brake lever firm. It's like it's not pushing in the pushrod to activate the clutch. I can put the bike in 1st or 2nd gear, pull the lever in and the wheel will NOT turn.
The engine is not stuck. I can turn it over by hand or with the starter. I can get at least 1st and 2nd gear.
This bike sat for almost 30 years. I'm wondering if something in the clutch basket has gotten stuck? Think the plates may be frozen together?