Hi Christophe,
with regards to the crankshaft, this is a problem I have not encountered so I really cannot advise , I would think this sort of thing would happen at very high revs (what do you rev it to ?)
One of the reasons I took mine to the Dyno was to find out where the power drops off so I don't waste time with excess revs which are taking me nowhere and potentially causing damage.
I read somewhere that Yoshima used to rev his bikes to 13,000 but they had a lot of crankshaft trouble.
As you can see on the power chart my power tails off at 10,500 so I will set the rev limit to 11,000 .
My friend Colin (iomtt9) races a 500 honda and our bikes are very similar on the dyno results, his power drops at 10,500 so he has done the same. (He used to rev it a lot more) .
At Philip Island, as an experiment, he tried a couple of laps at 12,000 and went round slower than when he had the limiter set to 11,000.
Perhaps this is worth looking into.. perhaps you know this already, and I apologise.
The carbs (CR26mm) came to me already set up for the bike by Sudco , I have never looked to see what they have done, but according to the dyno man I should leave them as they are because I could end up spoiling something that is pretty damn good already.
I am sure someone on here will have the sudco settings and will post them here for you, however if nothing turns up , I will take them off the bike and find out for you.
I have not run an oil cooler on this bike, but after talking to Gerrit Lether (classic bike tuner) at Assen this weekend it is now a priority and one will be fitted very soon.
Regards ,
PS. Mon Francais est tres petit, mais, bon chance avec votre engine.