So the bike was running beautifully. I cleaned the pod filters really well and oiled them, not too much, re-installed. I also just got my side covers from maier, put those on. That is all that has changed since it was running well. Before I did those things, I could ride for hours easily. Now I run for about 20 mins or so and it bogs down at highway speed and gurgles slower and slower then dies if the clutch is put in.
You said the bike
was running well. For more than a season with pods?
The mixture changes with air temp.
Perhaps the changing season/temps have put your mixture outside of the envelope that the motor can tolerate?
The reason I ask is that pods flow air much more freely than an airbox.
As a result jetting for the airbox will be too lean for pods.
You also said you let it cool, was it hot? Like did you here it going "tink tink" as it was cooling off?
Everything I've heard indicates overheating. Overheating can cause a runaway lean condition. I'm more familiar with the 750 however,
assuming the #100 jets are stock for the airbox I would think they would be too lean for pods.
Do you get a nice blue spark? A weak spark can really make it tough to diagnose plugs/mixture. If not, try unscrewing the plug caps and cut 1/4' or so off the ends of the wires and reinstall. Be sure to mark how deep the wires are in the caps and then remark them after they're cut so you can tell when they're screwed all the way back in. That can be tricky as the wires don't really want to turn in the cap.
Try running with the choke slightly on and see if it improves.
If it does, you're lean.
Good luck keep at it and let us know what you find out.