Well, now that I officially have the CX500 on the road and took it for a test ride the other day I decided to take my eldest girl out for a ride today. She has never been on the back of my bikes (the CBR previous to this wasn't condusive to it). My wife was at work and my youngest was at a B-Day party so I figured it would be a good time for it. She's 10 years old which in my opinion should have been on the back of the bike for about 4 years now but it wasn't worth fighting with the wife over!!
Anyways, it was only a short trip around the neighbour hood with a stop in at a buddy's place and a couple of errands but she had a GREAT time. As we were pulling in the driveway she asked if we could stay out for a while so I told her that after we had a bit to eat I would take her for a longer spin...
Oh and I never would have suspected this but I had 2 guys come over and comment on the CX...sure I got more looks from from hot young wmoen on the CBR but now I guess I gotta learn to live with attention from GHOF's instead

P.S. she does have a little 4-wheeler but it doesn't really count. I had to chuckle to myself when I had an open straight away with no cars ahead of me and she yelled up to me "There's no one ahead of you speed up!!!"...lol I think I have created a monster!!