Author Topic: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price  (Read 3117 times)

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Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« on: May 12, 2010, 02:01:12 PM »
Nearing the completion of the restoration of a 1975 CB550. Time to have the tank, side covers and headlamp clam shell painted. Nothing fancy or expensive for paint color, just basic black.

I have sanded and prepped the parts for painting so that the body shop guy will need only to prime and paint.

First guy I went to for an estimate said $600.

I was surprised. Thought it sounded very high. I was thinking that it would be about half of that.

Am I out of touch or does a professional paint job by a body shop fall into this price range.


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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 02:06:41 PM »
that's average for cost.  It will cost more if any bodywork is involved.  that is just painting.


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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2010, 02:36:44 PM »
Honestly, try buying the paint and walking in with a 24 pack of decent beer.  It is amazing how much it will decrease the cost of your paint job.  It would hurt to crack one open and chat with the guys a bit too.  You just need the personality to back it up.  ;-)

I've painted a few tanks now and have a pretty good method for doing it.  If you are at all handy, then I can point you towards the products you need and how to do it.  Total cost will be around $100, and you'll be that much more connected to your motorcycle.  PM me with your phone number if you want to chat.

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Offline westondc

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2010, 02:46:13 PM »
i went to some local shops around town and got a quote of about $500 for a gloss black paint job on my CB500. that was just the tank and side covers. luckily i called up an old friend that just opened his own shop and he gave me a friendly discount. had mine done for $250, i got lucky on that deal!
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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2010, 02:52:05 PM »
Honestly, try buying the paint and walking in with a 24 pack of decent beer.  It is amazing how much it will decrease the cost of your paint job.  It would hurt to crack one open and chat with the guys a bit too.  You just need the personality to back it up.  ;-)

I've painted a few tanks now and have a pretty good method for doing it.  If you are at all handy, then I can point you towards the products you need and how to do it.  Total cost will be around $100, and you'll be that much more connected to your motorcycle.  PM me with your phone number if you want to chat.


+1 on doing it yourself. my brother just bought an industrial air compresser and he has a paint spray gun. I'm going to give it a shot on my next project bike. if you have the tools to do it then why not give it a shot.

Hey Camelman, have you thought about posting something in the Tricks & Tips section regarding DIY painting?
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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2010, 02:57:51 PM »
Mt tank cost $500 but half of that was for the computer graphics guys to creat new Honda tank stripes, clear glaze them on then 3 coats of white.
Expensive I know but as the tank is the focal point of any bike and the part you are going to be looking at the most probably worth it. :)
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Offline crazypj

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2010, 03:05:19 PM »
 A friend does custom cars, very few will pay for his quality on bikes, (Harley, without bags or fairing around $1200~$1500 single colour  :o)
I thought it was really really ripoff price, until I saw how long it takes to do properly, plus the detail work that went in to prepping
Quick anecdote,
 a local 'chopper builder' shop had exact same 'kit' chopper as Bob.
 Their paint looked good until you it them side by side with one of Bob's bikes, then you could really see difference between 'shiny' and 'painted' (both single colour black  ;D)
A real high quality 'show' paint job in single colour will be a lot more than $600.00, depending on paint.
You can get cheap paint jobs that look really good, until you see them next to a high quality 'custom' job
Have you seen examples of work?
 It is excessive to just 'blow over' in black, but, if he is a s good as he thinks, he will probably completely re-work anything you do as prep (and if it's just blow over without doing any extra work, yes, $600 is a rip off)
 Personally, I'm happy with everything same colour (plus, I can't afford Bob's price  :( )
 I'll be doing my own painting
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Offline Mdub

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2010, 03:17:52 PM »
Not out of line for a show quality single color job using HOK paints and a cut and buff.
You have not really 'prepped' by sanding everything smooth for the primer/sealer coat.
The primer coat is the essential 'prep'. It's at this stage that a guide coat is used to take out the waves and ripples that show with a shiny paint job.
Ask him if he uses a guide coat to flatten. And if he color sands the clearcoat before buffing.
If he does, that is a decent price using high quality paint.

As a painter, I insist on doing the prep as that is the most important thing to the longevity
and visual quality of the job. I'd be leary of a painter who is willing to do a job he didn't 'prep'.
I'd be especially leary of a painter who allows you to believe you've prepped by sanding things 'smooth'. Until a contrasting guide coat is used, you just can't see all the waves and imperfections that will show in the final product. ESPECIALLY black. Black is very unforgiving and shows (enhances even) every little imperfection. It is THE most demanding color.
(o.k. black is not technically a color but I digress...)

By stating that you've prepped it, you have given him a free 'out of jail' card
If something goes wrong, he's just going to say "I dunno, you prepped it"
Then you're faced with the aggravation of sorting it out and getting it fixed at additional cost etc.

It would be interesting to call him back and ask what he would want doing the prep himself.

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Offline rkubin

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2010, 03:23:06 PM »
From what I have seen, $600 is reasonable for a good job.  As the economic conditions recently hit me as I was finishing my build, I did some research and decided to do it myself.  As I did a cafe custom, I was not trying to recreate factory work.

I hand dented knee dents in the tank myself (took emblems off and filled), had a custom steel seat/tail done by Benji, and fabbed my own left side cover from sheet metal and help from local welding shop.

Talk to any body/paint shop and you will hear that prep is 90% of the job. I agree, but you can do it yourself on the cheap.  I made an ad-hoc spray booth in my garage (sheet plastic stapled up) and used rattle cans from local pro paint store. Dark grey primer, metallic charcoal "touch-up", and key is 2k clearcoat (this is resistant to gas).  This is a catalyzed clearcoat that you activate before use (24 hr use time).  The spray pattern is really good as well.  Ended up using 4 cans of the clear, which is $20 a can (2 each of other), as well as assortment of sand paper, polishing compounds etc.  Also got some vinyl decals to add - japanese kanji (honda on sides of tank where badges would go), 750 for left side cover, as well as some tribal designs for top of tank and tail (I know, maybe out of date but I like them and they compliment the kanji). Put them on the color before the clear, so they are on to stay.

Here are a few pics from my iphone- plan to take/post more with better camera.  Its not perfect, but pretty good.  Had to fix a couple of runs and other errors. A lot depends on if you want to keep stock, or customize.  Probably have about $200 total into the paint/prep for materials, and maybe 40-50 hours effort (much less for a pro).  Now I understand why the pros charge what they do.

If you have access to a compressor and spray gun, it would cost even less.

Offline crousos

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2010, 03:38:03 PM »
Do you have any info or tips on how to dent the tank?

Offline lone*X

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2010, 03:39:36 PM »
If you don't intend on taking it on the show circuit how about talking to the Auto Body shop instead of the local bike painters.  Could save you some money.  I have painted a few and had a few painted by some nice folks at a local body shop (with a very nice EPA approved paint booth).  They take bike tins for single color on the basis of doing it following the same color on a car.  They do the final prep and then wait until they set up for a car of the same color.  Saves them time and material setup.  Saves you some money but may have to wait for the correct color crash victim to come along.  Its worked for me before.
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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2010, 03:51:05 PM »
I talked a junkyard into painting mine for 175. Same as Lone*X suggested. I called them up, told them I wanted an "intense" blue or black and told him my price range (125-175). He said no problem. I never did get the tank painted through him as I found a completely restored (bead blasted inside, baked on inner coating, filled in emblems, painted 3 base, 3 clear) for less than 250 dollars. 

Anyway, call around to local body shops and junk yard. Don't expect to get cheap quotes from the body shops, but you'll never know.
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Offline rkubin

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2010, 03:57:12 PM »
crousos- you get some info from Google serach, but the youtube video below is good.  I used the same type hammer and general directions.  You need to be careful towards the end not get a crease in the forward part of the indent.  Afterwards, you need to bondo and sand - this is the hardest part.  go light on the bondo layers as it takes forever to sand down.  Mine isn't perfect, but I am happy with it.

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2010, 04:39:24 PM »

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2010, 04:42:04 PM »
I just had my 2 side covers painted and paid only $50, he said the tank woud be an additional $100.
Since I don't have a "Show Bike", I didn't want to pay $500+ either.
The work turned out very good, not perfect, but you won't see any flaws unless you look very close.
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Offline wildcatmahone

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2010, 05:05:32 PM »
Here's one from awhile ago and still looking GREAT...

Actually fabbing up a cross draft positive pressure spray booth right now like this one so stay tuned...

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2010, 06:23:36 PM »
Single color gloss black is probably the hardest color to get done right. Unless you're a body man, any painter worth their salt will find flaws you missed and still have to prep the pieces before priming. I think $600 is a good price . . . if they do a good job.
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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2010, 06:36:11 PM »
I've seen paint jobs like the one Westondc posted pics of done with rattle cans.
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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2010, 07:13:54 PM »
I've seen paint jobs like the one Westondc posted pics of done with rattle cans.

Have a look at Terry's bike in this thread, all rattle can paint....

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2010, 07:51:26 PM »
l'd paint it myself as it's just not that hard to paint. It's all in the prep...l won first place with this CB400F and was like in's not even a show bike, it's just a feel good for me to know that l've done the complete build and when finished l've had people coment about it...l just get goose bumps every time....Good luck but 600 bucks sound's like alot...u could buy the compresser, a good spray gun and and have the fun doing it yourself...try painting some spare parts first and see how it goes
Good luck either way

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2010, 11:28:31 PM »
Single color gloss black is probably the hardest color to get done right. Unless you're a body man, any painter worth their salt will find flaws you missed and still have to prep the pieces before priming. I think $600 is a good price . . . if they do a good job.
Further to this, check your local Craigslist ads. There are at least 2-3 ads a day from painters looking for M/C jobs. Might find a good price there too.
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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2010, 12:43:25 AM »
mine was 500 here in australia for tank and covers if i stripped it,its done in sunrise with black panel and white painted pinstripes like factory(he wanted me to take photos so he could replicate it),where the chrome strip should surround the tank is painted silver,all in two pack with clear top coat,i thought that was good.

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Re: Am I out of touch or Is $600 a fair price
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2010, 05:13:27 AM »
Honestly, who needs a show level paint job???

A $30 HVLP gun from HF, $80 of paint, primer, hardner from TCP, a nice afternoon spent sanding and finish glazing, and bingo. You got a nice job you did yourself. I paint all my own bikes, and my recently finished MG TD, all with acrylic enamel with hardner. That is about the most forgiving stuff you can use, and very durable. Single stage is the way to go. none of this BC CC crap. That is a lot more work and a lot more dangerous to work with.

BTW, I didn't even spend $600 to paint my whole car, maybe $300 in materials tops. A few examples of jobs done with the gun and paint indicated above.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 05:17:49 AM by lrutt »
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