Author Topic: carb orientation when measuring float height. right side up or ............ ?  (Read 977 times)

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Offline steam-powered man

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have done quite a bit of reading on measuring float height and by all accounts the float tab should be just touching the float valve, and not compressing the valve spring.

for awhile i'd measure height with the carb rack upside-down, float resting on the valve.  have been thinking that maybe the spring is being compressed a bit so recently i've been measuring with the carbs right-side-up.  in this position the valve is hanging down, and it's resting on the tab.  i'll raise the float until the valve spring just starts to compress, then measure.  and one manual i've seen measures with the rack sideways.  is there a preferred, most accurate method?  many thx,

'72cb750 k, '77 cb550k   
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Offline Hush

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Mostly you would hold the carbs upside down and measure from the base up to the float, your other idea works too if you are careful, don't worry about the small amount of depression on the float valve spring that happens when you measure...they'll all be much the same. :)
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Offline Rio_CB750

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Try checking out

Info on carb rebuilds and float measurement.
1972 CB750 - Briar Brown - stock
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Offline steam-powered man

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hey, thx for the quick response. ;) 

think i'll pop the cabs off the 550 (easy, just unbolt the intake runners) and 750 (install is easier when i remember to use silicon spray) and check 'em out.  that socal site is cool.  another sohc forum to visit!
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