heres alot of open sourced stuff.... i have gotten some really good stuff here and a couple of duds also..... if u download anything my suggestion is download them to a folder and sunch them one at a time to your palm... leaving a couple of days in between because i have downloaded some apps that absolutley eat your battery life..... u just have to delete them to stop it....
im running a palm centro with palm os 5.... and ive been unable to hotsynch it on windows 7... what windows are u running?
Thanks for the link, I'll have a look. I run Win XP on our desktop and my wife's laptop. I did do a one time only transfer of my Outlook data to the Pre, mostly for the contacts. I don't see much need, in my situation, for continued hot-sync'ing. I have found one little thing on the Pre, it has something of a "where am I" GPS function.. ha, ha they would never find you if you were lost.