Well I went over today and started it. Same thing. So I pulled a plug, it was pretty black and nasty, but it was just about as bad as before I did all this. So I went to put it back on and I had to pull the points cover off. Out fell the two screws that hold the housing on. Screwed them back in tightly and rode the bike for 30 min with no problems! I guess it was just grounding the whole thing out.
But here's two new things...
Where my plug wire hits the coil, the rubber is split and i can see the wire. The wire is fine, but I want to cover it up. I was told electrical tape until I get a new one. Which leads me to asking where I can get new coils for the bike/what new coils are good? I don't really want to just get a used set of feebay.
My exhaust air from cyl. 2 is cold. Well not cold, just room temp. The other one is warm. What does this mean?