Mine has 30,000 miles on it.
The ignitors melted out, but that's relatively common. Pulsers weren't working right, either- 1-4 wasn't functional.
Both coils were cracked.
Whether or not these things were the product of or in any way related to my rotor shorting internally when it got warm is anyone's guess, but I doubt it. Rotor got rewound, and because I had the promise of greater output, I got the stator rewound, but that probably wasn't entirely necessary...
Plug wires and caps got replaced, but that's just maintenance.
Starter solenoid got replaced, though in retrospect it may have been alright. The cable from solenoid to starter motor was bad, but wasn't easily diagnosed because I didn't know to look at it and no one else suspected it, either.
Regulator/rectifier got replaced as well as they tested on the very outer limits of acceptability.
I went through a couple starter motors but that was because of the cable... though the first WAS grounding internally- the commutator rubbed against the housing.
...and that's my electrical experience.
I strongly suggest you get a new head gasket because it would be WAY cheaper, if only because you know what you're getting if you have your ol' familiar motor as opposed to a new unknown.