Author Topic: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.  (Read 1225 times)

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Offline manjisann

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Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« on: April 14, 2010, 11:07:43 AM »
I hope I don't come off as some motivational speaker or fake or anything, but here goes.

In January I had to go to the doctors, just a routine thing, nothing scary. The nice nurse asked me to hop on the scale and I did.... 280 lbs. In highschool I was approx 250 lbs and while I knew I'd gained some weight (the belt getting smaller kind of indicated it) I hadn't really realized it was that much. Due to some crap going on in my life, this confirmation that I was getting bigger, and the knowledge that if I don't do something about it I'd likely end up with Diabetes I finally decided to start working on my health. I'd always been indifferent before, but finally made the decision to take control of things. At first I struggled because I didn't want to go on a "Diet" per se and I didn't want to pay for a personal trainer (I'm a tightwad about things like that, what can I say.)  One of the biggest challenges I had was determining portions and knowing what the calories were in a given meal. The best thing I've found for helping me with this is a website called . It's totally free, has a calorie calculator, info on different exersizes, and best of all thousands of really good recipes. I've never enjoyed cooking, always hated it actually. Many of the recipies I've found on that site are super simple to cook and taste better than eating out, AND it's cheaper to cook them for yourself.

It's been about 3 months and I'm down to 250lbs. My purpose in all this isn't to brag about my weightloss, but to let my SOHC family know about this cool website, and also to maybe help support anyone who wants to lose weight along with me.


Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

1973 CB500 K2 - Sold the bike and bought a Mig, Miss the bike, Love the Mig :D
1980 CB650 Custom
1971 CB500 Frame 650 engine: Project

Trip and General Ramblings blog:

Offline HondaLover77

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2010, 11:58:49 AM »
Hey Brandon I had alway been a pretty skinny until i got into an abusive relationship and I kept gaining the weight Food was my comfort, but i am only 32 and before i hit that age i was on 2 bp meds and have 2 heart problems, way to young for this crap is what i am saying to myself. I started watching the biggest loser and even tried to get on show with no luck. But I had started changing what the house eats like wheat pasta instead of white, wheat bread, not white, and even whole grain rice and i don't use normal hamburger meat anymore i use turkey meat 97%fat free,better then the lean hamburger meat, the turkey meat tastes the same and after an ER visit day before yesterday with my bp in toilet 85/49 pulse rate of 40 i went back to my doc and i was taken of both bp meds and i was like u 250 lbs now i am down to 229 and still rolling. I also park in the back 50's at the store and walk in to get some extra exercise in. Also my friend has the biggest loser cardiomax workout dvd and we have been working out to that. It works and the dvd is only like 10 bucks.but like you I a tightwade also, so my friend and I have a certin time we work out each day that is drs visits for kids ect don't get in the way, if we cant do it i remeber what they were doing so i would do them at home or just walk on the treadmill. Just a couple other suggestions for ya. I will lose the weight with ya.  ;)



1980 CB 650C "Purple Beauty"

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2010, 04:53:54 PM »
I really need to join you, just not in the right frame of mind. I'm at 280 and should be much, much lighter.  But I used to be in very good shape, personal trainer (who's now my best friend) the whole 9.  So here are some things she taught me (and worked for me):

Weight train don't just do cardio.  Adding muscle helps burn more calories, something like a 1 lb of muscle burns xx calories a day, every day. You don't have to join a gym to weight train.  Work around the house.  Find things to act as weights, etc.  Start slowly though, nothing derails weight loss than being laid up with an injury (Tearing an  ACL is what started my latest weight gain)

Drink water and only water.  All other drinks have something in them that screw you up - calories, caffeine, chemicals, sugar - something.

Break up your meals.  If you restrict your calories to loose weight it will help immensely (for the hunger as well) to eat every three hours (when my friend the personal trainer 'diets' for a show, she takes her meals everywhere and drops everything to eat at three hour intervals).

And cheat on your diet every once in a while.  Don't eat badly for whole day or weekend but go have your favorite meal once every 3-4 weeks.

Good luck and who knows maybe I'll join in...

Offline tramp

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2010, 04:41:21 PM »
i would join you but my it would be a shame to ruin all the work i put into this body to get the shape i have now
 ;D ;D ;D
i'm in
1974 750k

Offline manjisann

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2010, 04:51:18 PM »
YAY it's a party!!

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

1973 CB500 K2 - Sold the bike and bought a Mig, Miss the bike, Love the Mig :D
1980 CB650 Custom
1971 CB500 Frame 650 engine: Project

Trip and General Ramblings blog:

Offline tramp

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2010, 05:28:47 AM »
well it's been a month and i've lost 10lbs
how are the rest of ya doing?
1974 750k

Offline HondaLover77

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2010, 11:25:17 PM »
well it's been a month and i've lost 10lbs
how are the rest of ya doing?

Last time I got weighed at cardio doc office I GAINED A POUND! :-\ I told him I don't know how, i exercise and I am a waitress as well, I found out that you have to eat 3 Decent meals and eat a low fat and cal snack every 2 hours that is a snack that has protien like egg whites only on a boiled egg or any kind of egg or a fat free or light peaunte butter crakers with no salt, as you will retiane water, I will probly get weighted tommorow at doc office in the am I am hoping before they do part one of the stress test. WTG TRAMP YOUR DOING GREAT LOL BETTER THEM ME AT THE MOMENT :D



1980 CB 650C "Purple Beauty"

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2010, 07:42:06 AM »
unfortunatly i am not allowed to lose weight right now... my wife is pregnant and told me i had to gain some weight with her..... but i think im gonna get a job where i have no choice but to exersise (like landscaping or something) so i can drop a couple
6 months before i got married i started working out to try to trim up and a month and half before the wedding i really worked at it....... disclaimer: this wasnt healthy for a long term  but i took hydroxy cut  and then hydroxy cut hard core while cutting almost all fats from my  diet  and i didnt eat any starches after noon..... mainly chef salads (no cheese) i also rode an 11 mile loop on my bicycle 5 times a week stopping at three different timed to do 30 push ups...... lost 25 pounds that month and a half and felt great but after i got married i got a new job and didnt keep up on it
70 KO...sold to fund the ST
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Offline NickC

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2010, 07:48:28 AM »
Don't focus on the scale. Keep working out and eating less. It's not recommended to go below 900 calories a day. Remember, you are building muscle while you are burning fat, that's why I say don't focus on the scale.
Also, don't focus on one part of your body, like your gut. Fat gets put on certain parts of the body more than others (depends on male/female/genetics) but will only burn off your body as a whole.

Offline Antihero

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2010, 04:57:10 PM »
First off I want to say Congrats to you Brandon for taking the first step to a better you and on your weight loss.

I'm kinda new to this forum but have a thread about my adventures on my 78' CB750....

I'm a profession trainer, I don't refer to myself a personal trainer because personal trainers have a bad rap. I have a degree in Kinesiology, and am certified. I specialize in nutrition and have been doing this for a living now for 6+ years, so I don't just have a weekend b.s cert.

Anyways, I have been wanting to give back to this community (motorcycle/SOHC)
for a bit but I don't have the mechanical skills/ knowhow yet as many of you...So I figured I would post up here and help any of you with your diets. If you would like me to critique or look at your current plan just PM me and I would be happy to. I do online training and nutrition for all types of people/ as well as in person training.

I don't mean to thread jack you Brandon, but I enjoy helping people and would love to be apart of you weight loss success if you need my help.


Offline Antihero

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2010, 04:58:17 PM »
Sorry for the life size pic :o ;D

Offline tramp

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2010, 05:47:50 PM »
don't worry about the pic
i look almost the same as you
except i'm 25yrs older
2" shorter
and 40lbs heavier
plus your more tan
my hair used to be brown
other than that we're about the same
1974 750k

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Re: Who wants to lose weight with me? The Weight Loss Thread.
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2010, 05:52:03 PM »
I submit the following for what it's worth:

There's no secret to keeping weight down - sensible diet, regular exercise. For me, the hard part is tricking one's self into exercising regularly. I tell myself that I'll go to the gym, that I'll get dedicated. I'm even glad I'm there when I do go, but developing consistency just wouldn't happen for me, and I never found the rhythm that I needed to get me where I wanted.

Then I found Rugby.

Last September I joined a rugby club that practices and plays near my house. I had played a bit in High School, but never that much and I was never all that good. Truthfully, I didn't really have any particular love for the game. I just knew that if my a*s stayed glued to the couch for another winter, I would be entering heart attack city and feeling pouty about my weight some more.

So I walked on and said, "I want to play."

The head coach looked me up up and down, "Have you ever played before?"

"No. Not really. And I'm not in very good shape."

"But you want to play."


The first practice nearly killed me. I was sucking wind 10 minutes in and sucking fire for most of it. I figured they'd kick me off the team for sure. But, as it turns out, nobody ever actually gets kicked off of a 3rd division rugby team. Not for a lack of fitness, anyhow. They just keep you running, and show mad support.

My first game was worse than my first practice. I sucked hard for a good 60 mins, was mercifully swapped out and figured that I would be considered a failed experiment in 29 year old walk-ons. But, as soon as I caught my breath, the coach came and found me.
"Great game!"
"You've got to be kidding me! I had no clue where to be, I barely knew what I was doing I couldn't find position to save my life - I was a mess out there."
"Nah, it's your first time. That's bound to happen. We'll work on all that stuff. See you at training on Tuesday!"

And, verily, I found a reason to work out. Twice a week I had rugby practice, and Saturday was gameday. In between practices, I had every reason to hit the gym. Every lift, every run made me a better rugby player. I had a long way to go. I knew that as well as anyone. But I could see it happening! I could run faster and for a longer time. I could hit harder. As my fitness improved, so did my rugby. Suddenly, my size wasn't an embarrassment, but an asset! Nobody wants to try knocking a 260lb guy off the ball!

As the season went on, I got fitter. I was glad, too, but it wasn't nearly as important to me as it used to be. Saturday was important. Saturday mornings were why I hit the gym for that extra hour, why I ran that extra mile, why I skipped desert and made healthier eating choices all week. I knew that the more I could leave out there on Saturday morning, the better I'd feel.

Now, I'm a half decent 3rd division rugby prop. My coaches and teammates all tell me how far I've come and how glad they are to have me on the team, and that means way more to me than my weight (which is about the same, but far better packaged.)

My team lost last weekend in the semi-finals of our local league. I was forced to watch in agony from the sidelines, still lame on a sprained ankle from two weeks before. I recently got back on the bike and there are long runs in my future, all summer, so that I'm ready for fall. I don't regret the sprain any more than I regret any of the cuts and bruises and sore spots that I carry all week, and especially Sunday. It's part of the game... and the game has been very good to me.

My message is this: Don't make it about working out and dieting. Those things, in a vacuum, are boring and vapid, at least to me. Find something that occurs at regular intervals, and that takes exercise to do successfully. Then, the fitness will come as a pleasant side effect.

Good Luck to all.