My bike was running 110 main jets stock.
All I did to the motor was installed pod filters and the exhaust I built is just 1 1/2" straight pipes.
They are a lot longer then most pipes because I stretched the swingarm 8" and run the exhaust back past the axle bolt.
The stock jets would idle o.k., but as soon as I gave it any gas, it would cut out.
I installed 150 mains and then it would run up to about 1/2 throttle and then cut out again.
I then installed 190 mains and it didn't cut out, but it would stumble and burble,(?),when you tried to cruise.
I then dropped to 170 mains and it runs like a raped ape.
It idles fine, revs very fast and cruises effortlessly.
I know this sounds crazy, but I have put 3750 miles on it and never fouled a plug. Plugs are medium dark brown.
Needle is still in the stock position and slow speed jets are also stock.
But one thing I highly recommend is to install an electronic ignition. Doesn't have to be the real expensive one.
I have one on my stone stock 72 and my modified 74.
Mis adjusted points can act a lot like carb issues.
And carb issues can act a lot like points issues.
Until you are positive you have one of them right, it makes it real hard to get either right.

Basically, no 2 jetting situations will be the same. It always requires a couple,(or more) tries.