Author Topic: Weeping Fork Seal  (Read 4283 times)

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Weeping Fork Seal
« on: May 20, 2010, 12:32:50 PM »
"Weeping fork seal? Pry back the dust cover, and insert a strip of 35mm film between the male fork tube and the fork seal. Work around the whole seal with a "sawing" motion. The sprocket holes in the film trap grit that might be causing your leak. Takes 2 minutes, and is way easier than a fork seal replacement."

  Found this on Bike Bandit facebook page. There was a talk about "who the heck still use 35mm film", though...

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Re: Weeping Fork Seal
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2010, 12:51:15 PM »
Does Does this really work?  I've never had a fork seal fail on the non-brake leg of a n old Honda.  I always assumed the leaky seal was a result of a the seal loosing it's shape for the deflection and load from braking.  Is it even dirt that causes the leak?  I would think it wasn't but I would love to learn a new trick that works.