Before I bought it, this bike had been sitting for 7 years since it had last ran. When it did, it was bought by a young man from a used car salesman who owed him a favor. He bought it not running and as far as I was made aware (I got the story from his father, not him) he tinkered with it for a few hours, got it barely running and then rode it like that all summer. Then he joined the army and it sat for those 7 years. Any history before that is unknown. I didn't care though... I got a title!!
Actually, I made a note on this wear in my build thread. The chain seems original (or at least NOT an o-ring chain and REALLY rusty), but the SPROCKET was changed out... it only had 15 teeth. I tried shimming the sprocket away from the case, but to no avail. I actually WAS blaming the chain until I got bored and counted the teeth on the sprocket.
Thankfully the wear is nothing more than a little marring. There isn't even a noticeable difference in the surfaces. You're right about not eating off it, though... I've had the cover soaking in a purple power/water solution for a week! Not that it needed to be in there that long, there were just other more interesting things for me to do.
I'm actually going to attempt washing it tomorrow.
I've tried looking for chains. Where does one procure a non o-ring chain to avoid hassle?
Anyways, goin to bed for tonight. Broshi, I make frequent trips to dallas as my family loves there, and I happen to live not too far away. After I get this thing done in a couple months how would you feel about riding with me? Maybe show me what the 500/550 is capable of?