First off if you wanna watch it you can the entire series
here as of may 24 2010
i thought the entire thing was good...... what did you think of the series final?
i spent over a half hour writing this up only to get halfway thru the 5th season and realized it gets way too complicated for me to explain.... the best write up i could find was on wikipedia..... 1 a plane breaks in two and the front half land on a beach... there are polar bears and a smokey monster thing..they find a hatch and blow it to kingdom come
Season 2 the back half of the plane decides to find the front half and theres some shipwrecked type people("others") that keep kidnaping the passengers... the man inside the hatch tells others about the button that needs pushed every 90 minutes or so
Season 3 the others take the main characters hostage and make a plane wrecked doctor operate on the leader of the Others... ends up thier part of a kind evil scientific expidition(Darma Initiative) on the island( has to do the button and stuff)
Season 4 the leader of the others kinda screwed a guy on the mainland outta being the leader of the island... some how the island can be moved and the mainland guy cant find it... he ends up figuring out how to track it and sends a ship full of people to kill everybody on the island
Season 5 after defeating the people sent to kill keep from being found they move the island and some how screw it up and start jumping thru time..
they figure out what went wrong and reset it....before they do they set off an atom bomb that was there from nuclear testing at the site of "the button" in order to reverse all that went on..
i guess i think Lost has utilmately always been about redemption. And I think these last few episodes brought that theme together beautifully. Jin and Sun who began the series as an embattled couple, found love again. JIn made the ultimate sacrifice for Sun, refusing to leave her even though staying meant he would die with her. Sayid, who carried the guilt of his violent past, gave his life to save his fellow islanders. Kate could have written Claire off a crazy woman, but instead she offered her kindness and understanding, refusing to give up on her mission to reunite her with Aaron. I could go on and on but you get the idea. Each of the characters had inner demons that they, in the end, resolved or overcame. I found that I had to think about the finale all day today before it finally came together for me. I love the fact that it was layered and complex. I loved the fact that the meaning of it all was not immediately obvious. It seemed simple, but it really wasn't. When I got home from work tonight I rewatched the entire finale. I finally got it! If you didn't get it , watch the very first episode and then watch the finale again. I swear you'll see it differently. It was always about these flawed characters making peace with their past ... and being willing to sacrifice for others. The island was just the vehicle that got them there.