I'm curious. Whatever happened to not being a mindless stooge and turning the f@#%ing blinker switch off after your turn? Are you telling me you are so heedless of what you're doing on a motorcycle that you can't even operate the blinker switch properly, and need an idiot box to do so? Because, if you're not paying strict attention to
everything while you're riding, then you're an accident waiting to happen. Sorry, but somebody had to mention this one simple solution to all of the lights, beepers, buzzers, vibrators (?) and other paraphernalia being tossed around here, when all that is needed is a little attention to what you're doing. Just my opinion, of course, but give me a break, please!

And yes, i disarmed the turn signal buzzer the instant i got my bike as I consider it to be an abomination in the eyes of God and man. MHO