So, the clutch on my '81 CB650 custom feels a little soft.
If it is in gear, any gear, with the clutch fully engaged (or put another way, the lever is all the way out) it won't slip. Pouring on the power doesn't make the clutch slip.
If I'm shifting - from third to fourth, fourth to fifth, etc - if I don't time it right, or drop the clutch, it will slip. I don't usually let it 'roar' and keep on slipping, I'll roll back on the throttle, let it engage, and then go about my business.
I went to the local Honda shop, and they asked me if the oil smelled 'burnt' or anything - I can't tell. I've got a powerful nose, but I don't smell anything different about the oil (nor would I know how to smell a burnt clutch when it's oil-bathed.) They told me that I needed the SJ oil ($7.75 a quart!) and that it would help out the clutch.
It did, to some extent. It slips less, but it still slips. If I go from one gear to another, (say, fourth to fifth), rev the engine, and drop the clutch, it'll slip a little and then settle in. (I haven't really poured on the gas yet; long story short - I popped out my dipstick on the ride to work, lost some oil, and didn't want to 'push things')
Also, there's no clutch particles in my oil that I can find.
So, the question is, should I just spent the $70 on a clutch, or should I give it 'more time' before my clutch starts acting normally? In all the motorcycles I've owned, the other clutches would drop the engine's RPMs in an instant (or scratch the tires) if I dropped the clutch, no slippage.
I don't really feel like spending $7.75 a quart on oil (and I'm not sold on the "You need SJ oil in your motorcycle" argument) but I don't want to ride around on a bad clutch either, simply waiting for it to disintregate on me and ruin my engine. I can probably swap out the clutch in no time whatsoever, having done a few before -but I just don't want to waste money and have my wife take a pound of flesh.