1. That the ol' wintergreen oil/xylene mix on carb boots (both engine & airbox sides) works!!. They went on like butter! Seriously, no more broomsticks for leverage, cases of beer (to handle the stress), etc etc. It did stink up the garage pretty good, but I can live with that. I let the engine boots soak for 3 days, and the airbox boots for 24hrs. Both are MUCH more pliable now.
2. This may come as a "duh" thing for you veterans out there, but it just clicked for me. When lining up the engine to carb boots, there are numbers (1-4) on the boots. I knew they should read in order from left to right, but just realized that they also show how the boots should be positioned correctly. Each number should face straight up (as in, if you're looking at them from above, the numbers should be staring right back at you, and read 1-4 from left to right). When they do, the boots will line up perfectly to the engine & carbs.
Now I just have to remember how to get my throttle cables reconnected!