I am a chopper head so you may or may not like my advice but I'll put it out there and you can decide for yourself,
First and foremost, an upgrade for the engine every Honda should have is Electronic ignition, Dyna or whomever, with coils and wires to complement. Bearings and bushings, spend whatever it takes to get the best you can. The importance if these parts is often overlooked but are crucial to the length of life of an engine. Gaskets, again, the best you can afford, Cheap gaskets are out there but you definiltely get what you pay for. Buy a $30 gasket set and you'll get just that, a bunch of posterboard cut to shape.
I can't help with suspension, I ask everyone else for help there.
As far as the Dual disc conversion, I have seen at least two people on the threads here that took a Goldwing front end and mounted to the 750 they have. From what I have read, they like the way it works, so you might go to the tech forum and search that out.
Good luck,
Peace and Long Rides,