The same thing happened to a buddy of mine on Division Street about 13 years ago. A drunk crossed the center line and hit him head on. He survived for almost a week before a blot clot hit his brain and finished the job. Dead at 24 while the drunk lives on.
My Dad was side swiped on his brand new '71 750 from behind by a
drunk(s) with no lights on (at night), on I-75 in Northern Michigan. They were doing over 100 mph. He used to rest his left foot on the alternator cover. Good thing he did, as the left side of the bike, including the Triple A running board, was wiped out.
Pops woke up 900 ft from the accident. Broke every rib. After hitting Pops, they rear ended his friend (Lonnie) riding an old dresser, instantly killing his wife (Roselynn, God rest her). They drug his HD almost 3 mi under their car before it overheated. They both denied being behind the wheel so they both went to Jacktown (Jackson Penitentary) for manslaughter ~2 yrs at the time. (Little did they know, Lonnie was a 'good ol' boy' with teamster Mob connections. Let's just say the dirtbags were 'released early', for 'good behavior').
Obviously, the sad accident that took the life of Andrew Stuart Church
struck a nerve and, compelled me to post the article. And to share my personal story. To remind us all, that 'Oscar' is out there, literally around the next blind curve, ready to kill us. EXPECT to see him in every blind curve you carve through.
Increase your chances by staying away from the center line when negotiating blind right hand curves. Watch your mirrors. Do not look in any one place for more than 2 seconds. Leave room between you and the vehicle in front of you when stopped at a light. Watch your mirrors when stopped at a light. Don't box yourself in, always have a plan for a way out.
As an aside, when my Dad was still layed up, he bought a brand new '72 750. It's still my daily driver.