I started riding bicycles at about 7 or so, there were no bike helmets then. Never even heard of a bike helmet until I was in high school (72 grad) and only bike racers had them. Lots of the cars I grew up with didn't have seat belts either, and when they became a mandatory item in new cars (and I don't mean "wear your seatbelt" laws) there were thousands of folks with stories about how they would have been killed if they had been wearing one. Car manufacturers were against them because they thought the public would think cars were unsafe. I learned early riding my bicycle around Sacramento how poorly some folks drive, and that even back then there were punks that took pleasure in "egging" bicyclists, so I learned to watch where I was going and watch my back and both sides at the same time. I rode bicycles and dirt bikes in the local fields without a helmet, because I didn't have one. Never thought about getting one, fell a lot and learned how to lay it down without getting hurt, never hit my head, but my nurse mom insisted when I started street riding my senior yr. I have since broken a couple helmets, and relayed the stories here, but there are still times I would ride without one. It isn't a statement, I just don't believe you can truly appreciate life and beauty when you hide behind the illusion of safety. My heart goes out to any parent that loses a child, but I cring every time I see a news story about some kid drowning at the river (2 or 3 times a yr here), there are inevitably several concerned bystanders shocked in disbelief that any parent would let their kid stand next to a river without wearing a life jacket, then the cop says, "yeah everyone should wear a life jacket at the beach". I'm sure it's just a matter of time before kids under 10 are not allowed at the beach without a life vest and safety helmet. As for "why" I would chose to ignore that helmets have twice saved my life and ride without one? would you rather ride a motorcycle or look out your window and wonder what it would be like? would you rather have sex with or without a condom? ever thought about going over 100mph? Once you've experienced something, especially if you grew up with things a certain way, would you be happy if someone told you now you can't do it that way, and it's the law because it's for your own good? I strongly advocate for the use of helmets, it makes good sense and they do save lives, but I am adamantly against mandatory legislated personal safety, it's an unwarranted government intrusion on my life. Think I'll go smoke a cigarette and clean my guns before they're illegal too.