Still not having much luck here in my quest for original CB550 tank trim or a replacement. There is a lot available for the 750s in several different styles; rather complicated, too, as compared to the fairly simple u-channel used on the 550s. I've seen some pretty meticulous 550 restorations posted here and I have to wonder where they got their trim?
If you're attempting to restore something to original stock condition, especially if you're planning to show it before judges, then anything that isn't exactly as it should be stands out like a sore thumb. Everything must be as it originally was when the bike left the factory, and while the 3/8" door moulding looks nice on a tank, and is great stuff if you want to spiff up your bike, it isn't what you would call "meticulous" restoration, and no serious restorer will consider it. If you somehow returned to 1974, none of the bikes in the showroom would display this stuff; all would have the 5-piece 1/2" trim with clips. There's a difference between just making a bike look nice and full restoration; you either have the correct part, or you have one that's too short.
Which brings me back to my original question: to those of you who have restored your bikes to stock, what did you do for trim? Restore the old stuff? Find it on ebay? Luck out and just have it? Make your own? Any suggestions other than the 3/8" door trim? Anyone?