Author Topic: Getting down to it!  (Read 1032 times)

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Getting down to it!
« on: February 06, 2006, 02:04:52 PM »
The mild weather we have had here has prompted me to finally start to dismantle the 550.
Wow, compared to my 750 Triumph Bonneville of the same vintage, the 550 has a lot of parts!!!  Much more innovative in the way it was manufactured and modern.
After close examination, the restoration will be needing more replacement parts than first thought such as exhaust pipes, rims, bars, filters, tune-up kits, a front fender and stays and fork ears to start.
You folks that have done a few restos, who is you're favorite parts peddler that has most parts needed at a fair price? 
When disassembling the swing arm carefully, is it possible to save the bushes?  Or would replacements be better?
Last question, I love reading "Classic Bike" a British magazine that really helped me with my Brit projects.  Is there a magazine that you would recommend that deals with articles and how to tips for the '70's Japanese models?
Let the fun begin. ;D   

Offline SteveD CB500F

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Re: Getting down to it!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2006, 05:01:22 AM »
Assuming you're in the US Stingray (fill in your bio...)

I learnt everything I know from "Classic & Motorcycle Mechanics" - another Brit mag with articles on "how to" with series on each bike. You can get copies of their restoration articles or backnumbers from their website.

The swingarm bushes - replace them.
SOHC4 Member #2393
2015 Tiger 800 XRT
1971 CB500K0 (US Model)