Ok, im going to try to describe this the best I can so here goes.
On the airbox side of the carbs are 4 little brass nozzles that stick up (1 per carb). I have no idea what these do. They stick up and they have no holes except for the number 1 carb, that carbs brass nozzle thing does have a hole in it. To make matters even more confusing, I was at a motorcycle repair shop the other day and saw a set of 650 carbs sitting on the shelf. After close inspection of these carbs none of the brass nozzles had a hole in them, including number 1. So I am very confused as to what these do.
On another note when I was cleaning the carbs the number 1 brass nozzle fell into its fitting. It will move back up to where it should be but wont stay. I have not noticed a performance difference but im sure that this can not be good.
Thanks for the help... Chris