Author Topic: 72 CB450 Twin  (Read 2042 times)

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72 CB450 Twin
« on: June 20, 2010, 01:57:22 PM »
I'm new here but not new to building things, Ive built a Baja truck, and a gasser, and work for a UMP modified racing team, but just bought my first bike to build, its a 72 CB450 Twin. Going the bobber route, but staying softtail on this build since its my first, the bike is in what I believe to be excellent condition for the most part. The battery has the normal old honda battery drain which Ive ordered parts to fix, and needs a new petcock. Do I have to get a OEM petcock or can I just use a hardware store brass petcock? I'd like to do brass fuel lines to give it a bit of a wild look but if I have to use a OEM petcock Im just going to replace the rubber lines and be done with it.

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Re: 72 CB450 Twin
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 12:03:07 AM »
Any petcock will do as long as it flows enough juice. Good luck with the project - post some pictures!  ;)
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Re: 72 CB450 Twin
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2010, 03:58:03 PM »
Well here it is...

Havent got it to run just yet, changed the oil, put a touch of ATF to clean it out inside a little, wont run it long like that though before changing the oil. Changed air filters, changed plugs, it is getting spark, petcock leaks but i believe it is getting gas, any ideas on what could be keeping it from starting to save me time of trying this and that?


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Re: 72 CB450 Twin
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2010, 04:42:30 PM »
Ok, got it running. Registered plates are for 1987, it was put in a barn and kept til I got it, hadnt been started since it was put in the barn. I gave it a little jump start with some starting fluid and started 3rd kick.  Starts around 1st or 2nd kick almost everytime. Although it does white smoke. Guessing that would be partly the leaky non-sealing petcock not providing proper amount of fuel so thats what Im changing first and it that dont get it fixed then I'll take the carbs to the shop and have them rebuilt. Sound reasonable or would this smoke be from something else? If its something thats going to break my heart such as motor being junked I'd much rather you guys tell me now before I start throwing money into it to get it right


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Re: 72 CB450 Twin
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2010, 06:39:37 PM »
Welp the guy I bought it from looked like a complete idiot, sure enough he was. I noticed before I checked the oil that is didnt read on dipstick, so i went ahead and drain what little there was and put new oil in like i previously said, well i had it running, held it at about 2500 for a good 15-20 hoping the white smoke would burn away hoping it was from it sitting for so long, it actually seemingly got worse so I shut it off and messed with the petcock and got it to practically stop leaking and tried starting it again and kicked and kicked and kicked and couldnt get it to start to I bend down and rest a sec since its 95* and I notice the vin number on the block, didnt think it was the vin of the frame so I check and it isnt the same numbers. So I thought well thats always good  :-\ well I pulled the plugs to make sure i wasnt flooding it and I was a bit overwelmed to find metal shavings on the plugs I just put in... guess the idiot actually had tried/did have this thing running with no oil in it... so depending on the title situation I run into I may be parting this project out

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Re: 72 CB450 Twin
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2010, 05:15:17 PM »
That is one clean bike.. Gratz on the find!

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