yeah ,do your best,surely reason can be seen as to the events etc,,oh,but your sons not mr so and so,s son and not driving a late beemer or such,,try and get it waived if you can,if not,,you tried man,i hope this dosent sour your sons out look towards the dedicated police force,its life unfortunatley.,and being a young driver was his guilt.when i was young on my p plates i had a hk monaro(bit like a camaro) and got stopped all the time,never got a ticket just looked at and questioned,shine the flashlight in the back seat,open the trunk(american words here)i got used to it,one time i got TOLD to roll my sleeves up so they could look at my inner arms for "track marks"but thought nothing of the 1919 model 303 bolt action and anshuztch 22 automatic rifle in the boot(trunk)for which i had a license for anyway.i find most cops pretty cool these days,mind you i havent been stopped in years,my sister inlaw is a cop,shes all of 5 ft and 50 kilos.if you get stopped by her youll get a free donut voucher!