Author Topic: CB400f guy in trouble  (Read 691 times)

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Offline oldbiker

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CB400f guy in trouble
« on: June 23, 2010, 01:23:59 AM »
I have copied this from the cb400f yahoo forum. This American guy seems to have more than his fair share of grief.

Hey guys,

I haven't been on in quite a while. I'm in some serious trouble and am reaching out everyone, everywhere I can for help. Don't worry, it's nothing illegal. I honestly wish it was. But, my situation is much more grim.

It started 3 years ago with a snow plowing accident which left me with 4 herniated discs in my neck c3 to c7. The MRI, it don't lie. The accident also left me with severe carpal tunnel in both wrists. By the time the doctors figured out what was going on with me degenerative disc desease had set in which is slowly and painfully pinching off my nerves. And at some point will leave me paralyzed from the neck down.

I've already been seen by several specialists who either brush me off or tell me that its way to risky for a fusion. Too many complications. Too many in a row will cause too much strain on the disc above and below and blow them out within a year, putting me back in the same situation. I've also been told by doctors that there isnt a surgeon in this country that will touch me due to the high risk.

So as you can imagine, I have not been able to ride in the last 3 years. That's 3 years of riding that I've already lost with my 12 year old son. Before the accident we used to love to go riding. I'd even take him to school. He was the big man on elementary campus when he stepped off with his Stars & Stripes helmet and his leather jacket. Ah, good times. But nevermore. Now just disabilty, pain and depression.

I've been thinking about selling my '75 since I can't ride it and do need the money desperately for medical reasons obviously. However, everytime I mention it to the family, of course my wifes eyes light up but my son always says "No Dad, you said I could have it and I really want it!" How can I possibly sell it? Is my health and being able to walk worth breaking my promise and my kids heart? Not sure what to do there. If I had my way, I'd be getting myself fixed and getting back on it and ride it hard and fast until its time to hand it down to him.

There is one very small glimmer of hope still left in me. The tiniest point of light at the end of the tunnel. After I was told that not a doc in this country would touch me I dove right into researching to find out where I could get this fixed. To my glorious surprise I located a hospital that specializes in multilevel artificial disc replacement. They are the best in the world and their replacement parts are the tops in the field. These people can fix me! These people can stop me from being confined to a wheel chair! These people can give me my back life! The ability to ride again! Be painfree again!! Oh the light gets brighter, then the price- somewhere between $80-100k. Bzzzzt What was that you ask? Why the light at the end of the tunnel burning itself out of course.

Now how in the world is a guy who's on the brink of being a quad in a chair and already barely making it on Social Security disability going to be able to afford that?! You know, I actually went low enough to send in letters and emails to folks like Ellen and Oprah and a few others with no response. Guess I should have told them I was a black female lesbian who was abducted by aliens! I had tried just about everything then I thought why not try the power of the net. There are millions of users. Why not ask 100k people for 1 usd each? That would get the operation done.

So, here it is. This is what I've been working up to. And I really hate to do it cause I'm not usually one that asks for help, but I'm in a desperate life threatening situation and really need it. If anyone can please help, all I'm asking for is 1 U.S. dollar as a humanitarian gesture to help another fellow human being out. If you would like to send more than a dollar please feel free. Just remember that I am not a non-profit or a charity so I can not give out tax deductable receipts. I have all medical records to prove I'm not a faker trying to scam anyone. I'm not a liar, cheater or theif, just an everyday joe like the rest of you. Thank you so much for your understanding and help. I can be contacted through here or look me up on facebook- Charles LaPlante or yahoo IM- I do have Paypal and Alertpay and am not afraid to give out my address and phone number if asked by someone looking to help. Thank you all so very much and have a great day, Charles.

P.s. Please talk to friends, neighbors, relatives and anyone you can about it. The sooner I reach the $100k mark, the sooner I get fixed! Maybe someone can put together a benefit ride to help out? I wouldn't mind having a yearly benefit ride in my name, at that point all $ would go to help others in similar or even worse conditions.

Offline scottly

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Re: CB400f guy in trouble
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 01:50:17 AM »
He posted nearly the same thing on the new members introduction board here. Maybe I'm a bit jaded, but it kind of reminded me of the telemarketing scam call I intercepted at my mom's house a few years ago, demanding she pay for a bogus policeman's or fire-fighters fund. (The ex-cop across the street also thought it was bogus.) I was already pissed off at the number of calls she had been getting during my visit, and registered her phone number on the "do not call" list.
This guy's first post had "please read" in the title, followed with a request for a donation for his admittedly non-tax deductible benefit. I'm sorry for his troubles, if real, but I won't be one of the 100,000 people he is asking to send $1 each.   
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