Well no video from me, I'll probably lose because of that....

Heres the continuation of the story!
Modifications began with the addition of rear sets, pieced together from components off various bikes, (gsxr 1300, cbr900rr, BMX bicycle pegs, 80 something Shadow) Here's a shot of those finally installed, more through explanations and detailed photos in my build thread.

With the rearsets installed and good to go I turned my attention to the seat and tail. The tail is simply the stock F tail, modified to accept a homemade seat pan, covered with exercise mat material and marine vinyl.
A couple mockup/progress photos

With the seat and tail out of the way, some fresh paint was next on the list. Hit it up with some semigloss spray paint and some vinyl decals.
And a couple photos of Vol. 1

Man and Machine.

Then disaster struck... (via the hands of some unknown, undiscovered vandals. Full story here....

The recovery began...
Starting out with some freshened up gauge faces, and LED warning lights. (more info on this can be found in this thread
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=60571.0 )

Then something a little more drastic. A full teardown, clean, reassemble.

and after reassembly we end up with what you see now, the "completion" of Vol. 2