Author Topic: Sam,Adam,& Glenn  (Read 1302 times)

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Offline mrbreeze

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Sam,Adam,& Glenn
« on: February 08, 2006, 10:20:29 PM »
Hey Sam,Adam, & Glenn,I have been on this Forum since last April and you 3 guys are the only ones that have ever sent me a personal message.Well...I sent replies but I don't think they went out to you.Anyways...I am not a computer whiz so it could be my bad. Maybe someone could tutor me on responding to PMs. So Sam... Yeah X-mas was good....went to Vegas and spent it with my kids & grand kids.Adam..... I think the best way to describe the Dyna ignition would be to start another post. I will do that when I am done with this post. Glenn...Got the message about member #. Thanks for that,I was wondering what my # was and was going to post about it until I saw your post about registering.All good now...I got my number!! Btw.....I think at the start of my posting here,I had you confused with the founder of SOHC4---John Solliday?  I reread the Homepage and discovered that it was John and not you that is in San Jose, Ca.----You are in PA.?
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Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......

Offline Glenn Stauffer

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Re: Sam,Adam,& Glenn
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2006, 06:31:21 AM »
You know how to get to your personal messages, right?  The link in the 'User Info' box next to your name.  When you are reading one of your personal messages, you will see a reply button at the top right.  Click that, type your reply, and press 'Send message'.  To quote text from the message in your reply, click the 'quote' button instead of the 'reply' button.

Yes, John Soliday started all this with a post to usenet news back in April, 1994.  John was living in Chicago at the time; later he took a job in San Jose and still lives there as far as I know.  Last I heard, John's interests had shifted to automobiles though he still had his 750F.  I haven't heard from John for more than 5 years; I don't know if he ever visits the site.  I'm SOHC/4 #3 - Bruce Giller, who still hangs out on the mailing list, beat me to #2.  I was resposible for creating the mailing list and later the website and forums.  And, yes, I live in PA near the town of Lititz.


Offline Sam Green Racing

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Re: Sam,Adam,& Glenn
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2006, 04:33:02 PM »
You know how to get to your personal messages, right?  The link in the 'User Info' box next to your name.  When you are reading one of your personal messages, you will see a reply button at the top right.  Click that, type your reply, and press 'Send message'.  To quote text from the message in your reply, click the 'quote' button instead of the 'reply' button.

Yes, John Soliday started all this with a post to usenet news back in April, 1994.  John was living in Chicago at the time; later he took a job in San Jose and still lives there as far as I know.  Last I heard, John's interests had shifted to automobiles though he still had his 750F.  I haven't heard from John for more than 5 years; I don't know if he ever visits the site.  I'm SOHC/4 #3 - Bruce Giller, who still hangs out on the mailing list, beat me to #2.  I was resposible for creating the mailing list and later the website and forums.  And, yes, I live in PA near the town of Lititz.

Just checkin to see if that idea works. ;D

C95 sprint bike.
CB95 hybrid race bike
CB95 race bike
RS 175. sprint/land speed bike
JMR Racing CB750A street ET drag bike


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Re: Sam,Adam,& Glenn
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2006, 05:39:12 PM »

Just checkin to see if that idea works. ;D

me too, I'll try a smiley as welljavascript:void(0);


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Re: Sam,Adam,& Glenn
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2006, 05:43:31 PM »
hmmm - is there a smiley 101? :P

Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Sam,Adam,& Glenn
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2006, 06:01:40 PM »
Breezedude- I STILL have no idea what my number is, and yet I manage to live a full life.  In fact I went to a gallery opening tonight and I'm STILL full.  Rather uncorfortable actually.  Anyhoo, as reagrds numbers, I've finally come to suspect that mine can't be found because mathematicians are still working on a number that goes that high. I expect ground-breaking news any month now.



I'm so excited

Dude- your 8 layers are showing!

Offline Sam Green Racing

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Re: Sam,Adam,& Glenn
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2006, 06:49:15 PM »
Your # 90 Ernie, can't figure why you can't see it.

C95 sprint bike.
CB95 hybrid race bike
CB95 race bike
RS 175. sprint/land speed bike
JMR Racing CB750A street ET drag bike

Offline Glenn Stauffer

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Re: Sam,Adam,& Glenn
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2006, 05:10:59 AM »
mrbreeze is referring to the SOHC/4 Owners Club Member # which is different from the forums member number. 

The SOHC/4 member number was something that John Soliday started, probably taking the idea from the old DOD (Denizens of Doom) numbers that you used to see referenced on  John collected information from people interested in joining the SOHC/4 Owners Club and then issued a member number.  After John turned over the membership list to me and went on to other things, I continued the tradition to the point where it was all pretty much automated.  In September 2004, I had to take the directory offline for a while, but I've recently revived the registration system.

The forum number is the number that is a sequence number that the forum software uses to keep track of your time online, posts, etc.  Check out this message in the FAQ for information on how you find your forum member number:

The forum number started seeing use when the gallery was set up here and it was the only number available since the old system wasn't online yet.  If you go to, you'll see a menu item title 'Join'.  Click that, complete the form, and you'll get your Official SOHC/4 Member Number.
