You know how to get to your personal messages, right? The link in the 'User Info' box next to your name. When you are reading one of your personal messages, you will see a reply button at the top right. Click that, type your reply, and press 'Send message'. To quote text from the message in your reply, click the 'quote' button instead of the 'reply' button.
Yes, John Soliday started all this with a post to usenet news back in April, 1994. John was living in Chicago at the time; later he took a job in San Jose and still lives there as far as I know. Last I heard, John's interests had shifted to automobiles though he still had his 750F. I haven't heard from John for more than 5 years; I don't know if he ever visits the site. I'm SOHC/4 #3 - Bruce Giller, who still hangs out on the mailing list, beat me to #2. I was resposible for creating the mailing list and later the website and forums. And, yes, I live in PA near the town of Lititz.