People like me that can read but have no mechanical knowledge, and even people that are good with a wrench, would benefit from Youtube videos on just about anything.
So I'd like to encourage you guys to setup your camera on a cheap tripod or a stack of books and start making some short videos on whatever project youre working on. Its okay if they dont look professional as long as we can see what youre doing. It doesnt matter how insignificant it might be to you, chances are it will help a newbie out.
This is a link for making a how to video. Anything you make doesnt need to be this complex, but its a good guide. I could probably help with editing a video, but its really not that hard. Just make sure you have a clear line of sight and explain what youre doing as you do it. of course if you find videos that are SOHC specific or can be applied to these old ladies, post them here or in there corresponding section.