BACKSTORY: So I picked up this 1978 cb750 that was already bobbed out and with it came a 1977 80% done stocker I didnt really want the stocker hense my for sale thread. The bobber how ever is in pretty good shape over all it has a authentic hardtail frame (not sure of manufacturer) and like I said I generally decent bike. But having a decent bike is deff not what I had in mind, and so begins my 750 adventure.
Here is the bike as I bought it:

I haven't done much to it since buying it but I have a few projects that I am currently working on:
When I first bought the bike I liked the pod air filters but the more I looked at the the more I though they were just to "new school" for the bike. So I took them off and was lucky enough to score a breadbox air filter of a local guy who has a literal grave yard of early and late CB750 SOHC choppers bobbers and cafe's...I digress. Here is the filter when I picked it up.

Plans for the filter include;
-doubling the width of the screen with two fold purposes one is the double the air intake of the stuffy box and also to take up some of the empty space between my frame rails
-paint both end caps black and the screen red or white
-shrouding off the top and side with sheet metal (maybe have louvers punched in) and leave the bottom as the screen.
My easy second project is my tank and rear fender, the tank was pretty beat up so I went to town with some bondo and sandpaper. Its about 75% done right now then I'm gunna shoot it with a primer then have this airbrushed on it

That's Pretty much it for now but other things to be done are
-160-180 rear tire
-internal throttle
-fork paint
-wheel powder coat
-forward controls (maybe)
-diff handle bars
-new seat
- who knows what else its a drug!