Jeez Terence "Oxygen Thieves" I like it. Can I use it? Also sounds like your political system mirrors ours, if we had a decent choice Stevie would be teaching now at some third rate colledge in the states.
Bill the demon.
Ha ha, go for it mate, I didn't invent it! As far as who's a good leader and who's not, people tend to forget that the majority of Aussie voters vote for a political party, and only the members electorate actually votes for the individual, so only a small portion of Labour party voters voted for Kevin (who was fired after only 2.5 years in the job.........) and only a small portion of Labour party voters voted for Julia, but all Labour party voters voted for the Labour party, so the party has the right to fire any minister that they want to, including, as we've just seen, the Prime Minister.
What this basically means is that voting for Labour is voting for some unknown factional leaders who actually control this particular party, of which Julia is not the leader, but rather, just the spokesperson for
their policies. She doesn't run the government, they do. If she steps over the line and displeases her political masters, or her popularity drops, she gets "executed" like Kevin did.
My concern here, is that most Labour party voters don't know this, they think that Julia is the boss, and has the power to run the government, when really, she's just the Labour party's backroom bureaucrat's mouth piece. For these reasons and a whole lot more, I don't know how anyone could trust them enough to vote for them, but in Oz, political party loyalty is like loyalty for a football team, or a brand for a car or motorcycle, so regardless of how bad the Labour government has done in the last couple of years, they've got a very good chance (now that Kevin's been given the arse) of winning the upcoming election and running the country for another 3 years or so. As I said before, things are not boding well for Aussies right now...........