No Mick, I don't think Abbot is a better leader, in fact, I agree with Mick from NT, Julia can probably run rings around him. Trouble is, if I don't vote for Labour, and I don't want to vote for the Coalition but I still want to cast a useful vote, who do I vote for? An "independant" who will give his preference to one or the other major party? What's the point?
We really need a viable third party, that can combine the best policies of both parties, not controlled by "left" and "right" internal factions, with a strong, intelligent, charismatic leader who has Australia's best interests at heart. Not an easy task men, people of this calibre are already earning much more money in private industry, and don't crave political power like the creeps who represent us in parliament. (have you ever listened to, or watched "Question Time"? Some of these people can't string a sentence together)
I don't see the need for Australia becoming a republic either. Don't get me wrong, coming from Irish Catholic stock (albeit 212 years ago) I have no allegience to Britain or the Royal Family, it's just that I couldn't justify the massive expense involved, for what end? So that we can have 2 politicians running the country, one as our Prime Minister, and one as our Head of State? Sorry, but I just can't see the point.
Of course, if you'd like to elect me Mick, then I'd be happy to accept your endorsement, and here is a quick snapshot of my election promises:
Global Climate Change: Prove that it is man made, and I'll do something about it. In the meantime, I'll encourage motorcycle usage as a viable alternative to polluting cars by cutting annual motorcycle registration and insurance by 50%.
Employment: To encourage long term employment, I will institute a "year off" from paying tax (of any description) for one year, for every 10 years of continuous employment. You pay no income tax, GST, Stamp Duty, etc etc for that year, by the simple expedient of a "swipe card" system.
Medicare: I hate the idea of private health insurance, but Medicare is under-funded. My intent is to increase the Medicare levy by 100% (double it) but with the extra revenue, offer a much improved level of service, which will include optical and dental services. There'll be no need for private health providers, but their staff will be absorbed into Medicare to administer the additonal services.
Employment: I'll institute a system of tariffs on all imports to encourage the revitalisation of Australia's disappearing manufacturing and farm industries, and I'll provide low interest loans and grants to assist with new infrastructure costs. To encourage kids to stay at school, no unemployment benefits will be paid to anyone under 18 years of age, but there will be a range of benefits available to juniors who are determined to stay at school and achieve.
Education: Free education for all Australian kids, from Kindergarten to University.
Immigration: Forget about it. All illegal immigrants will be resettled in the Middle East or Afghanistan, free of charge.
I could go on and on, but you've probably all fallen asleep, so I'll leave you alone. Cheers, Terry.