Author Topic: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles  (Read 2655 times)

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Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« on: February 08, 2006, 03:38:13 AM »
From the North Carolina News & Observer:
Motorcycle deaths surge
If we know any guys coming back, we should advise them to be careful.
Richard Pyles - 70 CB750 K0

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2006, 04:20:06 AM »
Thanks for the link. This paragraph in particular caught my eye;

"But merely getting on a motorcycle and riding sedately is dangerous. For every mile traveled, motorcyclists are about 32 times as likely to be killed as someone in a car, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration."

We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline 6pkrunner

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2006, 06:50:58 AM »
Yes the returning GIs do have a ton of adreneline to burn off, but playing on the highway is not recommended. Shame to do a tour of duty and get killed in a domestic accident.


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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2006, 12:45:28 PM »
I have several buddies who just came back. ;D

We paintball together which helps curb the whole shock thing. Plus it is fun. ;D Most have waited to get on thier bikes. They want to become human first, then get on the bike.

Offline GroovieGhoulie

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2006, 02:28:12 PM »
The Army Safety program just sent this to Leaders to dissimenate down to their soldiers:

Good message.

I actually found this painful and a bit scary to watch.  Being a newbie rider, it really got to me.


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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2006, 02:36:38 PM »
Made me cringe everytime...

Maybe the DOT should run something like this in the States.

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2006, 02:43:05 PM »
oh fer #$%*'s sake... :-\ i'm gonna hurl...
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Offline egar

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2006, 03:44:18 PM »
That was a shocking ad. It caught me by surprise. They really should run this ad on American TV. Almost makes you want to quit riding. Egads!

'04 ST1300, '70 cb750KO

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2006, 04:32:17 PM »
Should realy be shown on North American TV, shows how quick it can happen. ::)

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2006, 05:08:05 PM »
Thanks for the link. This paragraph in particular caught my eye;

"But merely getting on a motorcycle and riding sedately is dangerous. For every mile traveled, motorcyclists are about 32 times as likely to be killed as someone in a car, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration."

Since it appears that the NHTSA has done some research on the subject already....

Perhaps U.S. riders could email their senators...

or email their congresspersons...

Forwarding the link to that video should be quite an eye full for them.  ;)


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Offline Paul

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2006, 05:25:32 PM »
If we know any guys coming back, we should advise them to be careful.
No offence ....anyone, but this is not for anyone in particular but all, cars and bikes...and my kids crossing the road.
Realistically, anyone who exceeds his / her limitations on wheels needs to take stock. If you need to burn it off, do it somewhere where it won't compromise others.
because if anyone would burn off adrenellin down my pass only.

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2006, 06:41:02 PM »
BURRRR, Just tonight I had some mother #$%*er blow a stop sign as I was coming up on the intersection all of a 1/4 block from my front door.  Several of my neighbors saw the whole thing and were sickened by what they saw.  But hey I'm doing better than the guy that was murdered 7 blocks away and 45 mins earlier.  The neighborhood hood is going to #$%* again.
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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2006, 06:47:41 PM »
BURRRR, Just tonight I had some mother #$%*er blow a stop sign as I was coming up on the intersection all of a 1/4 block from my front door.  Several of my neighbors saw the whole thing and were sickened by what they saw.  But hey I'm doing better than the guy that was murdered 7 blocks away and 45 mins earlier.  The neighborhood hood is going to #$%* again.

Maybe the guy that ran the stop sign was the murderer?

BTW... Glad you made it home, Blasty. ;D

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Offline GeoffT

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2006, 10:53:02 AM »
The Army Safety program just sent this to Leaders to dissimenate down to their soldiers:

Good message.

I actually found this painful and a bit scary to watch.  Being a newbie rider, it really got to me.

This is certainly an effective add. It has been running in the UK for a few weeks now. Of course no one likes it but I think everyone gets the message.
I got caught out twice in December 85 with oncoming cars turning right in front of me (we drive on the left of course in the UK). The first time I might have stopped in time except I was two heavy on the back break and the rear wheel skidded and I went down slid along the road and came to rest on the front bumper of the car. Wasn't hurt except for pride. Bent peddle and broken mirror/indicators. Fixed it up then a few weeks later some other car driver did the same thing. (conspiracy me thinks). No time to stop - he never saw me and I reckon I only slowed to about 20-25 before I hit him at the rear wheel of his car. Landed on the roof and rolled down the back. Lot of pain but fortunately nothing broken but the bike was a right off. Cuts and bruises kept me off work for a month. it made me very wary of any one indicating to turn right coming towards me. 

It definately made me a more defensive driver about town. Now I always try to think what the other guy is going to do.


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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2006, 11:12:41 AM »

That commercial is pretty graphic.  I've been almost hit by left turners here in Canada which has prompted me to be more defensive, but this commercial will definatley put me on high-alert.



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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2006, 01:05:04 PM »
I took the time to contact Senators in Wisconsin - Russ Fiengold and Herb Kohl

Here is a copy of my letter

Subject : Road Hazards - Being aware of motorcyclists a possible public awareness campaign

There is presently an add that has been running on TV in the UK. It is a public awareness notice that we should be looking closer for motorcyclists. With our weather getting ready to change for the warmer I think running a similar awareness campaign would be a great idea. With the cold months driving motorcyclists away from riding, motorists get out of practice as far as looking for motorcyclists.
Here is a link to the video that they are presently running. No matter how many times I see it, it is disturbing and drives home the question of when should we all be watching for motorcyclists.
I have sent a copy of this to Herb Kohl (via his online form)
I thank you both for your time
Thomas Neubauer
Reedsburg, WI
« Last Edit: February 09, 2006, 02:00:35 PM by ElCheapo »

Offline GroovieGhoulie

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2006, 01:36:52 PM »
I've been involved with mailing my reps before on various issues and they all say the same thing:  that the best way to get noticed is to actually sit down write a letter and mail it in.

E-mails are often discarded because of the massive amount of spam.  Phone calls are one step below a letter, and a staffer will note your issue to the representative.

A letter is best because they figure that you obviously care enough to sit down and write a letter and then pay to mail it.  Plus, the thinking in congressmen's offices is that if one person took the time to write about an issue, a few hundred probably care about it, but didn't write.

I would venture to say that if we all wrote, (or at least typed, if you're like me and have poor handwriting), and then mailed letters at least every few weeks to our elected reps, we may see something.

Also, write your state reps as well as they are usually a little more accessible and respond more readily to constituents concerns.  A Federal ad campaign would be good, but if even a few states jumped on the bandwagon, it would be good also.

Elcheapo, that is a very good letter and perhaps you would let the less creative among us use it as a template?


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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2006, 01:59:44 PM »
Good for me. Copy it all you like. I will be doing the printed thingy tommorow.

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2006, 04:48:36 PM »
Good for me. Copy it all you like. I will be doing the printed thingy tommorow.

Thanks El! Nice Work! ;D
I'll be printing up a ream of them tomorrow, mailing them out to the state reps, congresspeople, senators, kings, queens and dictators. Then I'll be passing on the idea to my local fellow riders.

Best Regards,
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Offline GeoffT

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2006, 03:21:31 AM »
Hey El!

Is that a Carl Gustav fixed to the wheels in your avitar. If it is, I'm impressed with your defensive driving techniqe  ;D ;D

Offline TwoTired

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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2006, 11:00:46 AM »
Hey El!

Is that a Carl Gustav fixed to the wheels in your avitar. If it is, I'm impressed with your defensive driving techniqe  ;D ;D

Gives new meaning to the term "recoil operated".  :-\
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Re: Returning Troops Suffer Fatalities on Motorcycles
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2006, 11:03:21 AM »
 :D :D :D