When I picked this bike up from the PO he included a throttle cable he'd just bought for it, I've assumed it to be the right one, (it looks the same as in the parts fiche at crotchrocket.com), now I'm not so sure.... it's the "a" throttle (that's the pull one)? I just can't seem to get enough length out of it to go all the way around under the cam on the carbs that it's supposed to attach to.... does anyone know how much free length there is supposed to be in this cable?
When I measure from the end of the sheath to the ferrule (cable fully pulled through of course) there is approx 8cm protruding. On the "b" cable (which I have just purchased myself) there is 9cm, and that is not enough either, which I tried, just in case I'm trying to attach the cables the wrong way round!? So, I'm thinking, wrong cable? Or am I doing something wrong?
Any and all help appreciated!
Cheers, Phil