OOOOOO,I didnt know he was making 4-4's.Drool.If only.
Yes, Benji makes a 4 into 4. And Yes, it is drool worthy... (granted, my bike isn't drool worthy
yet, but you get the idea)
It's not bad. 2x the pipes for only 1.5x the money. It's actually a bargain. I got them in the shorty style. I haven't run the bike yet, but if I have luck with the carbs this morning (once I get off the internet), that might change.
It's one of those things where "This-is-what-I-wanted-on-my-bike." I refused to get a MAC. A Kerker was a possibility but I just HATE the way they mount to a SOHC. I was looking at the 4 into 2 peashooters, but I just liked the 4 into 4's better, you know?