This time, I get the joke, Brian.
I was staying away from this thread for a couple reasons. Mainly because no matter what I, or anyone says, regardless of qualifications, will be able to sway someones opinion. Any extreme opinion is based on "jumping to conclusions". It's hard to use common sense when one is foaming at the mouth.
Example; The Republicans have said repeatedly that the Democrats will take away all your guns if given the chance. Where does it say that? Any attempt by the Left to propose any "keep guns away from morons" legislation is touted by the radical Right as just that.
So before we go too much farther, let me express my opinion on the bigger subject of gun control. While I am clearly a Democrat, I would be one of those "gun totin' Democrats". Except for the fact that I sold all my guns at the beginning of a depressive state I entered a few years back. I figured I would live longer if I couldn't eat a bullet. I'm better nowadays, and could see myself owning a handgun again one day.
The other reason I was staying away from this thread is that it exposes other sides of people in a way not so appealing. Respect is lost when someone spews hate like that has been stated here. And to answer some of that...
Lloyd, you don't know me at all. You've said some hateful things, things I would never say to anyone. But let me answer some of your comments.
I wonder. Are you the pious one on who we rely to judge each and every person's merit for individual property ownership?
Jumping to conclusions again?
Since it is possible for morons to operate autos, kitchen knives, chainsaws, bottles of gasoline, Bleach, Ammonia, and an almost endless list of items that are capable of maiming or ending life, why aren't those items included in you soapbox speech?
While these items are dangerous, each one has a main purpose that isn't to kill people. Guns have 2 purposes. To put holes in people and targets. Obviously, law enforcement needs to do this sometimes, but even they get it wrong every now and then. Example: million U.S. gun owners didn't kill anybody today.
Here in D.C.(10 minutes away from my house on a good day), there were 6 shootings on Saturday. One fatal. I'll bet that there isn't a day that goes by that some gun owner(and we're not counting police) kills somebody. There are way too many morons here in the U.S. to back up your statement.