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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #50 on: June 28, 2010, 07:26:34 PM »
Like you've said, the Middle Easterners here don't have much respect for human life, and this is just one example. Cheers, Terry. ;D

I realise you are just trying to stir the pot Terry but that was weak even by your low standards  ::)

Lets or two bad media reports and you blanket a whole population....Terry are you sure you are not working for Oz Army "Intelligence"  ::) :D  :D

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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #51 on: June 28, 2010, 07:41:49 PM »
So Mick, you base your opinion on the news, and attribute these traits to all people from that region?  You do realize that the news only reports the bad things.  Good news doesn't sell.  And much like Andy(maybe even more- D.C. is very international) I've met a fair amount of people from all around the world.  And trust me- if they were all like what is in the news they wouldn't be welcome anywhere.

Don't suppose you know anything about me bud, i am not stupid enough to believe everything i see in the media at all and look at Terry's reply. We are being inundated with middle eastern refugee's at the moment mate and my observations are based on what i know to be fact not some media screwed politically motivated rubbish. I was at College around 5 years ago studying music, i was at lunch when i heard wheels spinning around the campus, a car came to a screeching halt near where i was seated and 6 Lebanese guys jumped out and started bashing anyone close enough to be deemed in their way, i still to this day don't know what this was about, they had baseball bats and were indiscriminate in their bashing, what they didn't know was that just after they got there the "tradies' , builders and so on had just gone out for lunch and walked right into the middle of it, once they had taken the baseball bats from these scum they were useless foul mouthed little arseholes and if i had my way i would load them onto a plane and not even land, i would push them out over the desert never to be seen again. I don't particularly care what anyone thinks about this really because my country is loosing its identity and it pains me to see it. We are even being branded "racist" over seas because down Terry's way the Lebs are bashing the Indians  and we are being labeled because of it. I could go back through a years worth of murders and rapes in my country and find that most are being committed by "new Australians". recently we have had a spate of Indian taxi drivers rapeing school girls and women being taken home from work, one scumbag was raping drunk girls he was taking home after a night out. I would like to finish this rant by saying i have Maori, Lebanese and Indian friends that would back everything i have said in a heart beat. Andy you can't tell me that the majority of middle eastern people have similar views of what they expect from their women and what they think is perfectly normal compared to what we know about their culture !!   What do you think of female circumcision, what do you think of being flogged because you were seen talking to a man that isn't part of your family, these are not extreme cases mate they are the laws of their respective countries....We are now getting the machete wielding Sudanese, yes i know that there  are probably plenty of "good" Sudanese as well but it seems every time something goes pear shaped they revert to what they know and start attacking people with machete's, this is the new weapon of choice. You need to understand how these people have grown up in their own country and what they have seen all their lives. Their respective countries have been bathed in blood for years so how can any government expect us to be happy giving these people a "safe" place to live when they actually take the "safe" out of it really quickly. I am sorry mate but if you want to live in my country they live by our #$%*in rules or piss off.......Its that simple........ are only in this to be a smart arse so this is my last response to you in this topic. You Made a smart arsed post aimed at causing some sort of controversy because you went back to the "dive bar" and bragged about it so if you get flack for being a tool then expect it mate.

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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #52 on: June 28, 2010, 07:45:07 PM »
The funny thing is Andy, you can find hundreds of really disgusting reports here but the media virtually never says the nationality of the offenders, your first clue is when you see them on the news, i am sorry if it offends you mate but it is a reality here...we are being flooded with war torn refugees fromthe middle east and Africa,they are bringing their savage crimes and crime rates with them. One of the main problems is that they don't see it as badly as we do because of their circumstance, they are immune to the violence because they are so used to it..

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #53 on: June 28, 2010, 08:49:29 PM »
Mick, chill out.I'm just trying to inject some common sense here.  Tell me something.  In any example you say you witnessed, how many middle easterners were in the same area NOT engaged in violent activity?  You can't tell me, can you.  It's only human nature to remember the negative.

I'm just saying don't make blanket statements based on the negative.
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #54 on: June 28, 2010, 09:22:04 PM »
Mick, chill out.I'm just trying to inject some common sense here.  Tell me something.  In any example you say you witnessed, how many middle easterners were in the same area NOT engaged in violent activity?  You can't tell me, can you.  It's only human nature to remember the negative.

I'm just saying don't make blanket statements based on the negative.

Read my post dude..!! i have Lebanese friends, i am just giving examples based on personal experience, and i have lots more like having a gun stuck in my face by another Lebanese guy because someone else said something about the woman he was with, this was in the Rocks area in Sydney in the middle of over 1 million people on new years eve. Don't make assumptions based on anything i say because you are clearly not here to see or judge. How many middle easterners were there in the vicinity? only the violent ones.
I also lived in Sydney on the "Bankstown" line, it is a train line through the middle east, it is also one of the biggest Heroin area's in the country and you won't see one Aussie living anywhere near them as they are victimized and racially vilified for being "Australian"  I know that some immigrants bring good and appreciate my country but there are more that don't and recently they are starting to make extreme requests like doing female circumcisions in Australia. Before you make any more baseless statements get the facts straight. My country is loosing its identity and i don't like it one little bit. You see, you have a population of 460 million, we have 20 million, we are becoming a minority in our own country and we are loosing our freedoms because the crimes are getting more extreme and harsher limits are being put on everything. Australian families average 1-2 kids per family, Muslim families average closer to 8, in 25 years we will cease to exist  and become another Muslim nation. And by the way, just toour north is Indonesia, it has the largest Muslim population in the world and is swiftly moving further to the extreme right......Wonderful stuff...... ::)

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #55 on: June 28, 2010, 09:43:31 PM »
Like you've said, the Middle Easterners here don't have much respect for human life, and this is just one example. Cheers, Terry. ;D

I realise you are just trying to stir the pot Terry but that was weak even by your low standards  ::)

Lets or two bad media reports and you blanket a whole population....Terry are you sure you are not working for Oz Army "Intelligence"  ::) :D  :D

Andy, you're a dick, if you knew what you were talking about, you'd stop talking. As Mick has stated, the middle easterners who are flooding into Oz (who you'd think would be grateful to be here, living in a country where they can enjoy many freedoms unheard of in their own miserable countries) are so heavily involved in violent crime that special police task forces are being set up to deal with them.

I don't care if every one that you've met have been lovely, unless you've been here in the last year or so, you don't know what's going on here, so you should pull your head in. Now that I've lowered myself to reply to you, I better go wash my hands. :P 
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #56 on: June 28, 2010, 09:58:20 PM »
You know Terry, i am looking at the 9msn news site as i type and the first 2 news stories are..

Look at their names guys.....Oh and i think these 2 are Hindu...i am not anti muslim,i am Australian and proud of it....

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #57 on: June 28, 2010, 10:23:54 PM »
Well, to be honest there were at least 3 other hideous crimes on your news today on that same web site that you didn't pick :)

The stuff happens every where by every race ::)

Not saying your situation isn't as described.

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #58 on: June 28, 2010, 11:28:09 PM »
It was just an example Derek, there have been so many Muslim and Hindu attacks,  i posted that with a bit of irony as i wasn't looking for it i loaded the site accidentally. It wasn't that long ago that we rarely had crimes of that kind against women, sure we have wife bashing's and the like i am not saying we had no crime its just the types of crime that are more prevalent now that are specific to certain demographic.
I am not trying to sound defensive here and i know that you people have similar stories and problems as well.

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Offline KeithTurk

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #59 on: June 29, 2010, 03:06:59 AM »
That Smith and Wesson 38 isn't the greatest... but fella's using them could use a lesson or two in

Gun Control....   ( point AT the guy next time and use two hands )

While fun,  Beating the suspect afterward shouldn't be required...

Having lived in Saudi and Iraq for a year.... I can tell you legitimately that the General statement that   "the Muslim religion and people that distort  it's meaning place "property" rights on woman"   for lack of a better set of words.  You wouldn't like your daughter to marry one of these folks...

I'm still trying to sort out in my mind where this conversation adds to the fray of SOHC folks.... ( did see a #$%*en example of a perfect 78 550 yesterday by the way ).......

Here we've got some of Australia's finest talking about gun control....   Politics down there is a freaking Riot.. they have  3 sides... the lefts the rights and the greens..... it's like you can't be conservative and an a conservationist.... or a liberal who values recycling... only the greens can do that....   So you get this convoluted mess that leaves these green idiots in power and they then ram through some insane laws giving immense amounts of their resources back to a bunch of drunk Indians....   ( I went down there to race my car... spent 2 months total... and I'll tell you it was a true joy to hang out there... loved the people, the hardcore look at repairing things that break rather then replacing them... and the overall attitude of the people... your politics suck as bad as ours though...LOL )

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #60 on: June 29, 2010, 05:35:44 AM »
people in Florida commit crazier crimes than any other state.
Around here I can tell you if it happened in Florida or not, just by how ridiculous the story is.
         I think it's all the meth down here.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #61 on: June 29, 2010, 07:40:40 AM »
Mick, Terry, I thought you guys down under had high standards to immigrate into your country?  What happened?  We let almost anybody in here, even the ones that hate us (hence the terrorist sleeper cells we keep finding).  Sounds like you've got the hooligan's on crack with guns.

 ;D So Terry, why haven't you taken care of this?  I know you are badass enough for the job, and I'll also bet you have the hardware, given your background.  I realize it's a big country, and you're just one guy.  But you must have some badass friends.  I can just see it now....

You and your crew ride up to the local bar on sheep( ;) ;) just to keep 'em guessing), and after a few brew, one of them sticks a gun in your face.  And you, paraphrasing Crocodile Dundee(cause all us Yanks only have movie reference's for comparison) say "You call that a gun?  Now this is a gun", as you whip out some huge cannon.  They then run off screaming like little girls.

What?  It could happen.
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #62 on: June 29, 2010, 07:55:17 AM »
Humor aside Mick, doesn't the example you gave of the gun in your face because of a comment someone else made about a wife prove my original point?  We got off track somewhere when the point was whether or not that kid was psychologically screwed for killing Daddy.  But at least to me, your example proves that they regard family more than you think.  Granted, women are more possessions than family, but male children are thought of as special in many cultures, including theirs.

I stand by my original thought.  That kid is F'ed.
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #63 on: June 29, 2010, 07:58:35 AM »
sad, sad, sad. We should put a fence around the middle east and bring our boys outside the fence, don't let them out and leave them to their own devices. Then carry on as if they don't exist. If they get ICBM's don't worry, the US, Russia and China have many more.
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #64 on: June 29, 2010, 11:35:38 AM »
I was staying away from this thread for a couple reasons.  Mainly because no matter what I, or anyone says, regardless of qualifications, will be able to sway someones opinion. 
Yet you still continue to introduce anti-gun rhetoric and attempt to steer others toward your belief at any opportunity.

Any extreme opinion is based on "jumping to conclusions".  It's hard to use common sense when one is foaming at the mouth.
Good lord, is that a self deprecating remark?  Or, are you saying everyone else is wrong that doesn't agree with you while insulting anyone who dares express it?

And people wonder why there is such a debate on gun control.
You mean you weren't foaming or jumping to conclusions with this remark?  Or, at least, provoking an argument and feigning outrage at positions contrary to yours?

I hope you're joking, cause I wasn't.

Do you really think that moron should've ever been allowed near a gun?  Sure, the moron is probably dead, but that kid is eff'd for life.  And if that had happened here in the U.S., the cost to society is for sure.  That kid would never be able to hold a job or be in any way normal, and the odds of him going postal one day are probably even.

How can you say you didn't jump to conclusions with these remarks?  Have you checked yourself for foam?

 Example; The Republicans have said repeatedly that the Democrats will take away all your guns if given the chance.  Where does it say that? 
It's recorded history!
We've been over this very point before, don't you remember?
There is a long list of direct quotations from party members, which you conveniently ignore.

Any attempt by the Left to propose any "keep guns away from morons" legislation is touted by the radical Right as just that.
You like to use the word moron (mostly used as an insult and create a divide) and implies that all that would keep guns is just that.  While that may actually apply to a small, tiny segment, I really think you mean ignorant.  If that is indeed what you mean,  I partially agree, and we have the government (and media) to thank for trying to keep people ignorant about the true nature of guns.

There's about 200 million guns in the U.S. nation.  Assume you are King Stan and know that it is impossible to secure and remove these guns or face being beheaded at the attempt.    Do you favor making all of your populace ignorant about how these these guns are used, promoting accidents and unsafe behavior?  Or, do you favor education about how a powerful tool functions and what it's capabilities are so they can be employed safely and properly?

What do you think is the most effective way for the general populace to safely cope with the existence of that many guns?  Remove the curiosity and potential mishandling of the firearm by education and distributing factual information?  Or, let them find out through personal experimentation/tradgedy and watching fictional for-entertainment video scenarios?

We have a government run public education system that does NOT educate about a tool that is clearly pervasive in society.  Instead, what is taught is that that all guns are evil and "forbidden fruit", shrouded by mystery and fear.
What child's curiosity is going to be quelled by that?  And what child who actually learns about the realities of firearms will then begin to doubt the other "so-called" facts foisted upon them by the "educating" government?  Aren't you fostering mistrust of authority and general disregard for their "teachings"?

So before we go too much farther, let me express my opinion on the bigger subject of gun control.  While I am clearly a Democrat, I would be one of those "gun totin' Democrats".  Except for the fact that I sold all my guns at the beginning of a depressive state I entered a few years back.  I figured I would live longer if I couldn't eat a bullet.  I'm better nowadays, and could see myself owning a handgun again one day.
The fact is you are a not gun owner and one who seeks to restrict/deny others from having a gun under some unspecified pretense.
Further,  if you're "approval authority" reads your note,  you would be considered unworthy to own unless you could prove your mental stability was permanent and you wouldn't have a relapse?  Or, do you think it will be alright because you are loyal to the party in power? (This actually has a good chance of working, btw.)

The other reason I was staying away from this thread is that it exposes other sides of people in a way not so appealing.  Respect is lost when someone spews hate like that has been stated here. 
I have to agree.  I share a similar viewpoint that is not in your favor.  It would have been far better NOT to instigate a forum debate that has already been divisive in the past.  Who was it that used this occasion to repeat past inflammation?

And to answer some of that...

Lloyd, you don't know me at all. 
I only know what you have written.  Which reads like the rhetoric forwarded by the many anti-gun groups and supported by many Democrat platforms.  These platforms particulars, by the way, are why I switched from being a democrat to a Republican.  I don't actually like Republicans. I just now see them as a slightly lesser of the two evils vying for total control of a subservient populace.

You've said some hateful things, things I would never say to anyone.  But let me answer some of your comments.
You mean hateful, like calling someone who owns a gun a moron?

I wonder.  Are you the pious one on who we rely to judge each and every person's merit for individual property ownership?

Jumping to conclusions again?
No.  I don't see it that way.  Your statement... "Do you really think that moron should've ever been allowed near a gun? "  ...implies an approval authority which would control who is allowed the "right" to own a gun.  This, of course,  diminishes the concept of an "inalienable right" and relegates it to granted privilege status.  My query was about whether you thought you were qualified to make the determination of who was a "moron" and who wasn't. You had clearly labeled someone using 40 seconds (about) of surveillance as a moron.  Is that as much time as you would need to determine if anyone was a moron?
Is anyone who is alcohol impaired a moron (in your opinion, of course)?

The democrats have been eroding away people's gun rights for some time now.  Even going so far as redefining guns that looked like machine guns as actual machine guns to an ignorant (by intention) public.  Machine guns have been strictly controlled since 1934.  But now, "assault weapons" include semi-auto look-alikes (and some standard hunting rifles) that even the current administration has determined the public doesn't "need" because they somehow look "evil".  How is this NOT an incremental "gun grab" attempt?

Since it is possible for morons to operate autos, kitchen knives, chainsaws, bottles of gasoline, Bleach, Ammonia, and an almost endless list of items that are capable of maiming or ending life, why aren't those items included in you soapbox speech?

While these items are dangerous, each one has a main purpose that isn't to kill people.  Guns have 2 purposes.  To put holes in people and targets. 
No, your definition is faulty.  The purpose of a gun is to enforce the wielder's will upon someone or something else.  In the case of persons, it actually doesn't even have to be discharged to do that.  Often the threat alone will alter behavior in others.  If an officer draws on you,  are you more or less likely to comply with the officer's will?  I dare say the officer uses the gun more often as a threat than with an actual discharge.  It is only on rare occasion that discharge is an actuality.   And, in either case it is still being used as a tool for enforcement of will.

This same deterrent is available to the ordinary citizen and is used far more often to prevent crime than to cause it.  Most incidents are not even reported or recorded if the firearm wasn't discharged.  But, here's one I happened to find recently:

There are far more righteous citizen incidents like this one to find if one has the will to look for them.  They don't make the front page or main line news, as there is little sensational value.
It's equivalent to your car taking you to work for the 507th time without running down any pedestrians (due to a homicidal driver).  Hey it's just the tool being used for its intended purpose.  What's "news" about that?

60 million U.S. gun owners didn't kill anybody today.

Here in D.C.(10 minutes away from my house on a good day), there were 6 shootings on Saturday.  One fatal.  I'll bet that there isn't a day that goes by that some gun owner(and we're not counting police) kills somebody.  There are way too many morons here in the U.S. to back up your statement.

Oh contraire!

Fact:  Every year, people in the United States use guns to defend themselves against
criminals an estimated 2,500,000 times – more than 6,500 people a day, or once every 13
seconds.151  Of these instances, 15.6% of the people using firearms defensively stated that
they "almost certainly" saved their lives by doing so.
Firearms are used 60 times more often to protect lives than to take lives.
Fact: In 83.5% (2,087,500) of these successful gun defenses, the attacker either threatened or used force first, proving that guns are very well suited for self-defense.
Fact: The rate of defensive gun use (DGU) is six times that of criminal gun use.152
Fact:  Of the 2,500,000 times citizens use guns to defend themselves, 92% merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. 
Fact:  Less than 8% of the time does a citizen wound his or her attacker, and in less than one in a thousand instances is the attacker killed.153
Fact: Of all forms of firearm homicide, 13% are civilian legal defensive homicides.154
Fact: For every accidental death, suicide, or homicide with a firearm, 10 lives are saved through defensive use.
Fact:  When using guns in self-defense, 91.1% of the time not a single shot is fired.155

 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Fall 1995,
 Crime statistics: Bureau of Justice Statistics - National Crime Victimization Survey (2005).  DGU
statistics: Targeting Guns, Kleck (average of 15 major  surveys where DGUs were reported)
 Critical Incidents in Policing, FBI, 1991
 Death by Gun: One Year Later, Time Magazine, May 14, 1990
 National Crime Victimization Survey, 2000

I don't hate you Stan.  I hate the ignorance and rhetoric professed on the subject.
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #65 on: June 29, 2010, 02:17:15 PM »
way to much time on your hands ::)

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #66 on: June 29, 2010, 04:04:50 PM »
I just read a story in the New York Times that said this year so far there has been 81 deaths by shooting a day in the US......I am sorry TT but there is no defense for that.....

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #67 on: June 29, 2010, 05:16:55 PM »
I just read a story in the New York Times that said this year so far there has been 81 deaths by shooting a day in the US......I am sorry TT but there is no defense for that.....

C'mon Mick, get up to speed.  Guns are really good at what they do.  It takes so much time to beat someone to death.  We Americans are all about saving time. ;D
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #68 on: June 29, 2010, 05:35:10 PM »

I'm losing track of who's arguing for which side.... :-\
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #69 on: June 29, 2010, 05:43:12 PM »
I just read a story in the New York Times that said this year so far there has been 81 deaths by shooting a day in the US......I am sorry TT but there is no defense for that.....

C'mon Mick, get up to speed.  Guns are really good at what they do.  It takes so much time to beat someone to death.  We Americans are all about saving time. ;D

Good point...... ;D

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #70 on: June 29, 2010, 06:10:50 PM »
I just read a story in the New York Times that said this year so far there has been 81 deaths by shooting a day in the US......I am sorry TT but there is no defense for that.....


Well, I've not seen evidence that the report is based in reality either, or simply a number somebody just made up.  Or, do you believe newspapers never lie or slant an article with semantics or convenient omission of relevant data?  For maximum impact, newspapers skew number additions to achieve maximum impact/reaction from readers.  I mean how many readers want any details about where the numbers come from, like suicides, police shootings, or justifiable and righteous defense shootings.  Sometimes, the best thing you can do for a perp is a bullet in an essential area.  Is it really better to just let the reader assume they were all evil crime offenses using the most "evil" gun they can picture?
So, pardon me if I don't take the off-the-cuff "data" you provided with any credibility.

It is also at the very least lopsided reporting.  Like quoting the number car accident deaths, drownings, poisonings, or whatever.  And, then using that number to remove the item from society.  Reporters use the same tactic to close airports, putting together numbers that make it sound like it is a danger to society, without noting any benefits.  However, if you apply the same metric to say, fatalities on bridges, the argument can be made that they are too dangerous to exist, too.

So ok, the NY times reported 81 deaths by shootings.  They didn't happen to also post how many lives were saved by shootings or the presence of a gun to thwart a shooting?  Are you totally happy with only receiving half (or less) of the information you need to make a rational assessment?

You know, statistically, doctors are responsible for more deaths than firearms.  Would you also favor the removal of doctors from a civilized society?

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #71 on: June 29, 2010, 06:41:48 PM »
Well, I've not seen evidence that the report is based in reality either, or simply a number somebody just made up.  Or, do you believe newspapers never lie or slant an article with semantics or convenient omission of relevant data?  For maximum impact, newspapers skew number additions to achieve maximum impact/reaction from readers.

It was on the morning news here in Australia today Lloyd, so i googled it and there were a pile of similar statistics. Once again, i am not an idiot and do not believe everything i here or see on the news but weight of numbers is compelling. There are American government links to these numbers i have quoted so i am led to believe this time that they are either correct or very close. You always go back to the argument "how many lives were saved, that is irrelevant when on average 80 people a day are being killed by guns. I am not anti guns but i just don't think the sheer amount of guns or the ease at which they can be obtained is a good thing at all. It also makes the US look like a backwater redneck society when you have Charlton Heston ,as a spokes person for the gun lobby, turning up at a high school massacre preaching the good of guns. Scene's like that don't do much for the reputation of guns at all, or for that matter,the people using them, kinda like drugged out hippies trying to tell people the benefits of smoking pot.....makes them all look stupid. Statistics are statistics Lloyd, you can pretty them all up but it is still a shocking statistic and over 10 times the gun deaths that we have per capita, the only difference is we have less guns....It really surprises me that you seem to think its ok to have that many deaths a day from guns is shocking no matter which way i look at it....

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #72 on: June 29, 2010, 06:54:53 PM »
Well, I've not seen evidence that the report is based in reality either, or simply a number somebody just made up.  Or, do you believe newspapers never lie or slant an article with semantics or convenient omission of relevant data?  For maximum impact, newspapers skew number additions to achieve maximum impact/reaction from readers.

It was on the morning news here in Australia today Lloyd, so i googled it and there were a pile of similar statistics. Once again, i am not an idiot and do not believe everything i here or see on the news but weight of numbers is compelling. There are American government links to these numbers i have quoted so i am led to believe this time that they are either correct or very close. You always go back to the argument "how many lives were saved, that is irrelevant when on average 80 people a day are being killed by guns. I am not anti guns but i just don't think the sheer amount of guns or the ease at which they can be obtained is a good thing at all. It also makes the US look like a backwater redneck society when you have Charlton Heston ,as a spokes person for the gun lobby, turning up at a high school massacre preaching the good of guns. Scene's like that don't do much for the reputation of guns at all, or for that matter,the people using them, kinda like drugged out hippies trying to tell people the benefits of smoking pot.....makes them all look stupid. Statistics are statistics Lloyd, you can pretty them all up but it is still a shocking statistic and over 10 times the gun deaths that we have per capita, the only difference is we have less guns....It really surprises me that you seem to think its ok to have that many deaths a day from guns is shocking no matter which way i look at it....


It doesn't mean we are a "backwater redneck society"'  it just means we are a better d&$m shoot.


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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #73 on: June 29, 2010, 07:03:42 PM »
It doesn't mean we are a "backwater redneck society"'  it just means we are a better d&$m shoot.


That wasn't meant as an insult....just saying

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #74 on: June 29, 2010, 08:10:37 PM »

I'm losing track of who's arguing for which side.... :-\
Dammit!  You were supposed to be keeping track.   >:(
Here's my account for now. 
333 is for gun control
TT is against (and sounding quite serious)
Retro Rocket is looking to fund the Democratic anti-gun lobby in America but also not interested in immigrants taking over Australia's crime.

There are a few random comments by some pro-gun folks.
And maybe a few anti-bun sentiments

Cupcake Hunter is randomly jabbing the absurdity of the American condition and taking some tongue-in-cheek pots shots when applicable.

He is also a proud owner of many, many guns.  Ex-Hippie + guns = well dressed mountain man
"Sure, if you don't want that bike in your backyard, I guess I'll take it."  "I'll probably just scrap it......"

Frankencake:  Brotherhood of the unemployed?  What's our secret handshake?

333:  Think "Shakeweight".